Thursday, July 12, 2018

True Story: The Best Sex I Ever Had Was an Unintentional Hook-Up

By Tiffy Kink

Before we get started, I need you to understand who I am. I like meeting people online, but I don’t like hook-ups. I don’t like the idea of random sex. I’m very boring when it comes to dating to be honest and like things, like my sex life, to be organized. Which is why the best sex I ever had (so far) threw me for a loop.

The Back Story
It was with a guy I met on tinder. I know... I KNOW. We were talking for months before I felt comfortable enough to invite him out for an impromptu movie night. The vibe didn’t start feeling weird until after we bought the tickets. We had a little over an hour to kill before we could go in to the theater so we decided to wait it out at a neighboring fast-food. Before we got there, he turned to me and said, “stay here” like I was some kind of dog waiting for a command, and walked away going around the corner. Perplexed and annoyed, I wondered, “Where the hell did he go?” “And who does he think he’s talking to?”

He came back and I told him I didn’t appreciate being told to wait, to which he explained that he had to use the bathroom and didn’t think it would be a good idea to follow him. I immediately understood when we got to the fast-food place and it was crowded as was expected on a Saturday night. From there, the night picked up as we talked about one of my favorite topics: Technology. I found that he was easy to talk to and there wasn’t any weird awkward pauses in our conversations.

As we were watching the movie, he started holding my hand. Confused, I asked if something was wrong and if he always did that with women he took on dates. He simply said “No,” not sensing concern, and went back to watching the movie. I didn’t pull away. I just let him hold my hand. After the movie, we talked for a while then went home. When we talked again later that night, I asked him when he was free to see another movie.

We saw tons of movies together. I really enjoyed spending time with him and practically talked everyday on the phone. He soon grew tired of only seeing me outside and invited me to his house on several occasions. I was nervous but after what had to be the fifth invitation, I obliged. Only doing so if he agreed to my rules: No touching, no kissing. He thought it was ridiculous but agreed to comply. I didn’t want him to think I was going there to have sex with him.

The Hook-Up (Explicit details ahead...)
I had never thought before to pack condoms with me but did so this time. I couldn’t deny that I was growing more and more attracted to him as time went by, but I wasn’t ready to have sex with him yet. My “No Game” was strong and I didn’t think anything would happen since we were probably going to chill in his living room. To my dismay however, his sister was in the living room, which meant we would be in his room. Alone.

He put on a movie, and at first I started reserving myself again, sitting at the edge of his bed, looking straight at the TV and not at him. I reluctantly started to cuddle with him. Cuddling soon turned into kissing which somehow turned into foreplay, with him sucking on one of my breasts, which I initiated by pulling it out of my bra, which in hindsight was a terrible mistake as having my boobs touched by a guy I’m attracted to is one of my weaknesses. His hand made its way down my jeans to my p*ssy, which was already soaking wet. Instead of giving him the chance to even try to get them open, I unbuttoned my jeans and took them off, throwing them on the floor. He got up on all fours and went in between my legs, facing me, eyeing my panties, before pulling them down over my hips, down to my ankles, then completely off.

As he was about to go down on me, I thought about my past encounters of receiving cunnilingus for a few moments. My most recent moment before then, was not that great. It felt like he was using his teeth to graze and suck my clit. When I asked him if that was the case, he defensively asked me if I had ever had a guy go down on me. I didn’t bother to correct him. That thought immediately left my head once this guy’s tongue made the magical connection to my clit. It felt like nothing I had ever felt before. I looked up for a second to see what he was doing and found that he was making eye contact with me, all the while not missing a beat, flicking his tongue on my clit and palming and squeezing one of my breasts. I let my head drop back on the bed and looked up at the sealing, moaning, reaching my hands down and running my fingers through his dreads. An aesthetic quality I didn’t think I liked on him but grew accustomed to.

When he stopped going down on me, he got up but not before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. I sat up and stood at the edge of the bed looking up at him. Though he was shorter than me, he suddenly looked so much taller. He bent down and gave me a long passionate kiss.

As he stood back up, I looked at his shorts and the erection that was desperately trying to get out. I freed it by tugging on the waistband of his shorts, taking his boxers with it, and pulling them down to his ankles which he stepped out of. I didn’t realize he was so girthy. I suddenly felt intimated. I looked up at him making eye contact, then at his d*ck, and then I took him into my mouth.

After going down on him, I got the pouch of condoms from my bag on the floor. I took one out and handed it to him. He let out a “Humph” with a smirkish smile before putting it on, grabbing my legs and pulling me to the edge of the bed. I had no idea he was so strong.

Suddenly my legs were in the air and he was on top of me, smiling before sliding his d*ck inside me.  I loved every minute of it. The thrusting was fast, deep, and hard. A tempo I couldn’t keep up with, but thoroughly enjoyed. He stood back up still pounding into me, looking at my feet before taking one of my big toes into mouth, sucking on it. I could feel the sensation somehow traveling to my clit. We kept going like that for a couple more moments before we both grew tired, and he came. We went at it a couple more times, him giving me my orgasms through clitoral stimulation.

After that, I thought he was going to make up some strange reason why I had to leave his house. Instead, he laid down and pulled me close to him. We cuddled and restarted the movie that was now watching us for what had to have been at least two hours. We went on to have much more sex down the road. As boyfriend and girlfriend.

My Takeaways
I would like to believe that this person came into my life at a time when I needed him. It had been years after my harassment and I didn’t have the greatest first sexual experience. Though I knew I was deserving of love, intimacy, and great sex, he solidified those things by going with the flow and following my lead. He made me feel so comfortable and wanted. He genuinely cared about my consent and always asked before doing something we hadn’t previously discussed.

He paid attention to my body in ways the other two guys I had been with hadn’t. He was very open-minded and even comfortable with me introducing sex toys into our playtime. He introduced me to the intimacy I had heard existed outside of sex. Though we are no longer together, he taught me that what I thought I deserved was what I was entitled to and it is something that has stuck with me forever.

What has your greatest sexual experience or relationship taught you?
Tiffy kink is a New York based Sex Blogger whose goal is to spread sex positivity and break down barriers for the sexually deprived and repressed through her blog posts and sex toy reviews where she not only talks about her interactions with sex and masturbation, but she also introduces her readers to body-safe sex toys and advice. If you like what you’ve read and would like to see more, visit her blog Follow her on Twitter @Theaquakink

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