Tuesday, July 24, 2018

R. Kelly Admitted He Did It in New Song...Now What?

Robert Kelly
By Brenda Alexander 

The hood’s favorite Uncle Robert released a new 19 minute track yesterday titled, “I Admit It, I Did It” where he “addresses” his reputation as a pedophile. He also attempts to give some context into his flawed behavior and attraction towards underage girls, his obsession with sex and and the current “stagnant” status of his career. In the song, he goes on a tirade in disbelief about how he is now subjected to protests, blaming his alleged victims parents for bringing their underage daughters his way in an effort to get their music careers started, while denying any wrongdoing and gloats about being found innocent during his child molestation trial.

Oh, he is feeling himself.

But, before I delve into why none of this matters, I want to address a more serious and unfortunate incident he references in the song, which is that according to him, he was molested until the age of 14.

According to 1in6.org, research suggests that 75% or more of those who commit acts of sexual or physical abuse against others were themselves abused as children. Why? There are several contributing factors, but the main one being abuse is the normal condition of life for those who have experienced it. It is a familiarity from their own childhood that causes them to be abusive, or in many cases, continue the cycle of being abused in adult relationships.

If R. Kelly were in fact molested, it’s sad. It also gives insight into the personal turmoil he has projected onto others and what appears to be an extreme and abnormal sexual nature. Outside of the few gospel songs he has performed, his catalogue of music screams sex….addict.

I 100% believe the idea that “hurt people, hurt people. What I will not do however is excuse the almost three decades of abuse he needs to be held accountable for. More importantly, I refuse to let his team and his fans off the hook for allowing this to go on for longer than I have been alive, or any other enabler of such behavior outside of someone in the public eye. If R. Kelly were a garbage man who had family and friends aware of his sick ways, they too would be on my shit list.

The audacity of him to try and gain sympathy by throwing in tidbits of his supposed treacherous childhood in the song - including his lack of education (or the fact that he dropped out of school) and his illiteracy. All of which has been long documented. So we should feel sorry for him? As Kandi Burruss would scream, THE LIES!

At a certain point in ones adult life, they have a level of discernment. Meaning at any time Robert, who had the resources and access, could have easily continued his education and better yet, sought therapy for these issues. And despite the fact that there are continuous hanger-ons who benefit from his success and fail to confront his menacing ways, there have been others who have spoken out and had the moral compass to step to him correctly over the years, which was covered extensively throughout this secret documentary, but he ignored their advances.

The question now is, where do we go from here? We have the #MuteRKelly movement that I assessed in a previous piece. But even still, the pied piper is selling out shows. No, we cannot erase the musical genius and legend that his fans and peers claim him as, but what we can do is change what is acceptable. From what this new song exudes, Robert feels that the minimal consequences brought upon him are unwarranted. And I don’t blame him for feeling that way.

Has his record label dropped him, ever? No! The music industry as a whole has overlooked the alleged abuse. Aside from the few shows that have been cancelled and the response from streaming services, thousands of tickets were still sold prior and fans were outraged and voiced their pisstivity when refunds were given. Artists are still requesting productions and features and his inner circle remains mum and/or protective. Not to mention, his song blasted from the radio while I sat and enjoyed a refreshing fruit juice at an NYC coffee shop just this past weekend, which means his music is still in rotation spawning profits. So we are now shocked that a 50-something year old man who has been acquitted of multiple charges of slinging his tunes by way of any high school girl’s locker room since the early 90s is now singing boldly about his confusion in regards to why people who once praised him are now “turning on him.”

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the face and voice of a narcissist. But, this monster was created. It’s been a collective project. But when a blind eye is turned for as long as it has been, what else is expected?

If Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and any other sicko can be taken down, then protesting R. Kelly isn’t enough. Where’s the dream team legal crew that’s going to prove beyond a reasonable doubt what the world already knows? I mean, there’s a tape that shows it.

Furthermore, when will my people get it together? Because despite the fact that R. Kelly is a disgrace of a human being, even after the court dates, sex tapes and explosive accounts were revealed from those who knew him most and witnessed such behaviors, one thing R. Kelly is truthful about is the fact that parents eager to have their beautiful daughters names in bright lights one day, practically handed their young and impressionable girls over to him on a silver platter.

Are you finished with R. Kelly yet?
Brenda is a Philadelphia native with a love for Marketing, Creative writing, wine and Jesus. Her work has been featured on Mayvenn’s Real Beautiful blog and she is the co-author of the book Christmas 364: Be Merry and Bright Beyond Christmas Night (available for purchase on amazon). Follow her on IG @trulybrenda_ and trulybrenda.wordpress.com

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