Monday, July 16, 2018

Find Out If You Won a 'Blessed' Key Chain by WriteNowFaithDesigns!

We asked you to tell us why you're blessed and you. did. that. Find out if you won a key chain by WriteNowFaithDesigns!

1) Sady
2) lorieluv
3) nylse
4) Natural MiMi
5) Joyce Shulman
6) Sahara Abrams 
7) Megan M. 

Congrats Winners! 
You have 1 week to send your address with 'WriteNowFaithDesigns Winner' in the subject line in an email to! 

Stephan & Kanisha 
WriteNowFaithDesigns was started the summer of 2018 by Christian brother and sister duo Kanisha Parks (who happens to be one of our esteemed CurlyNikki writers!) and her 16-year-old brother Stephan. They began designing custom handmade Christian License plates, key chains and cute decals/stickers as a simple and effortless way that people can carry a little bit of Jesus with them wherever they go! Visit their site to see more gift-friendly designs!

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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