Friday, July 20, 2018

This Refinery 29 Mini-Doc Examines the Truth Behind Where Hair Extensions Come From

Riqua Hailes
By Erickka Sy Savané

Some of us want to know where things come from. We want to know our genealogy, where our meat comes from down to the products we put on our body, which is why DIY videos are so important. If you do it yourself, there's no question about its authenticity. Some of us are curious about where hair extensions come from, but funny enough, there's not a lot of info. out there because the business is shadier than Donald Trump's taxes. Enter Refinery 29's gem of a mini-doc that gets out into these hair extension streets, traveling to multiple countries, to uncover the truth about human hair trafficking.  Now proceed with caution becuz once you know you can't not know. (Insert evil laugh) 

Does it matter to you where hair extensions and wigs comes from?

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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