Wednesday, July 4, 2018

From Bullied to Youngest Fashion Week Designer. 11-Year-Old Kheris Rogers is Flixin' in Her Complexion

Kheris Rogers
By Winnie Gaturu

At age 11, Kheris Rogers has already achieved a lot in her life. She is a model, a motivator and a fashion designer. These are many roles for a girl her age but she has handled them with a lot of grace and positivity. You see, Kheris hit a rough patch when she joined first grade. She was one of the few black kids in the school and was constantly bullied by teachers and other students simply because of her dark skin. They would call her mean names and the kids would refuse to play with her. They made her feel different and above all, less human. This made her cry constantly and even prompted her to begin hating her skin tone. On seeing the suffering her sister was going through, Taylor Pollard, Kheris' older sister, decided to do something to brighten up her mood. She dolled up her little sister for a fashion show and posted the photos on twitter with the hashtag #FlexinInHerComplexion. What happened next was more than the two sisters expected. The pictures quickly went viral and received thousands of positive comments. That was the turning point and things started looking all the way up for Kheris.


Kheris summoned up the courage to join the world of modelling. Her aim being to encourage girls to embrace their skin color. Although she had to transfer schools to get away from the taunting, Kheris Rogers has been able to turn her bad experience into a positive one. Apart from being a model, she's also a motivator and fashion designer. Her fashion line is called "Flexin' In My Complexion" and is meant to inspire people to love their skin just as it is.

Kheris’ work is paying off with her making history as the youngest fashion designer ever at the New York Fashion week. She displayed her clothing line in the spring 2017 edition. Kheris is grateful for the experience she has gained so far and the opportunities she has to spread her message. For her, it's all about making more people, especially young black girls, feel comfortable in their own skin.

Lupita is flexin' in her complexion 
The Flexin' In My Complexion line includes tanks, baby bibs and t-shirts. The reception of her line has been greater than Kheris expected. Many people have come out to support her with celebrities like Lupita Nyong'o posting photos wearing her t-shirt. Her online following keeps growing and she currently has more than 93k followers on Instagram (@KherisPoppin).

Kheri is stunning
The only way to go from here is up for this budding fashion designer. She is definitely changing the lives of many by encouraging them to love their skin!

What do you think about Kheris Rogers and her work so far?
Winnie Gaturu is a writer, tech lover, mom, wife and student from Nairobi, Kenya. During her free time, she loves trying out new recipes, diy projects, filling in crossword puzzles and spending time with her family. You can catch up with her

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