Friday, July 20, 2018

Starve the Negativity by Focusing on Your Perfection: #BeHerNow

There’s a perfection in you that has gone largely ignored. The result of your overlooking this inherent dopeness has manifested as the easily bothered, generally unhappy, and insecure person you’ve grown to know and (fake) love. It’s the reason you feel ‘stuck.’

To reverse this and take your life out of ‘neutral...' to finally become who you were born to be, to finally begin to love yourself unconditionally, you must take your attention away from all that you are not. You have to learn to ignore and starve your negative and limiting self concepts by focusing fully on your present perfection. It’s HERE, NOW and is felt in your body as an unbroken and effortless quiet-joy... a sense of peace, stillness, and uncaused happiness. Keep placing your attention there, feeling That, even when you’re simultaneously noticing doubt thoughts and uncomfortable feelings of insecurity. Keep dwelling in your wholeness. In your natural security. In your Divinity. Let IT live in you. Let that Joy be you, so you can be HER. #BeHerNow

To Do: In every moment, find the current of Joy and flow with that. It’s always there. Make it your number one priority to feel that innate well-being and then, carry on. Like, don’t do shit until you’re connected with That and watch how life unfolds! #IAmLovingAwareness #IAmLove
-Nikki Walton

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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