Sunday, October 22, 2017

Weekend Link Love — Edition 474

weekend_linklove in-lineResearch of the Week

Men who receive blood donations from ever-pregnant women (women who have been pregnant at least once, not women who are perpetually with child) are at a higher risk of dying.

Human faeces contain appreciable quantities of vitamin B12 or vitamin B12-like material presumably produced by bacteria in the colon, but this is unavailable to the non-coprophagic individual.”

Cannabis users are more creative than non-users (though the cannabis probably isn’t a causal factor).

Stress and junk food have similar effects on (mouse) gut bacteria.

Healthy oldsters maintain the gut biomes of 30-year-olds.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

Episode 191: Dr. Steven Gundry: Host Elle Russ chats with Dr. Steven Gundry, an accomplished surgeon whose current mission is to help patients avoid the operating table.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Interesting Blog Posts

The death of lipid research.

It turns out that Americans have been following dietary guidelines.

Media, Schmedia

How the Middle East is showing male infertility to be a medical problem, not a masculinity problem.

Obesity among American adults is at an all-time high. C’mon, people.

Colorado teens are too heavy to make the military.

Everything Else

At least this squirrel won’t be depressed for the foreseeable future.

Stonehengers loved their honey-fed pork and cheese.

Richard Dawkins explores the evolutionary purpose of religion.

Easy on the raw kale.

Inconvenient facts about animal agriculture.

Why cryonics might make sense.

Where the olive trees grow.

Farming: inevitable and miserable.

An anarchist wants people to make their own meds.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Event I think you’ll love: Chris Kresser is hosting a Rally to End Chronic Disease event and book launch party to support his upcoming title, Unconventional Medicine, in Berkeley, CA on November 6.

Primal Kitchen® is partnering for a Beauty Bundle Giveaway. You have until Sunday (October 22nd) to enter and win Primal Kitchen products, two cartons of Pique Tea, two jars and one stick of PiperWai’s All Natural Deodorant, and a corchicle to keep your iced tea cold and frosty!

Fossil find that surprised me: The one that could rewrite human history.

I would do this workout and be fairly content for life, if pressed: The minimalist’s strength workout.

My thoughts exactly: The hell is he doing?

I’m excited to announce: Collagen Fuel is back in stock!

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Oct 22– Oct 28)

Comment of the Week

Could it be possible we will be offering up to the world a generation of metabolically ‘near-perfect’ humans?

– Actually, Ontario, I’m planning to raise an army of optimized humans with perfect metabolic flexibility. The whole keto thing is meant to make them so efficient at burning body fat that I barely have to feed them or maintain a supply chain when they’re on campaign.

The post Weekend Link Love — Edition 474 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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