Tuesday, October 24, 2017

A 7-Minute No Foundation Routine That'll Leave You Looking Bright And Glowy

By Winnie Gaturu

Let's face it, not all of us have time to put on a full face of makeup on a daily basis. However, this doesn't mean that you can't still look good. I'm certain you've seen many Instagram models looking awesome even with "no makeup" on. Well, the truth is, even though they don't have their usual makeup on, they still do something to give their face a glow. You can do it too. It only takes seven minutes or less and it doesn't require foundation. Let's get right to it!


The first thing you need to do is clean your face. Just apply your favorite face wash and work it on your face and neck in a circular motion. Rinse it out with lukewarm water and pat your face dry. This will take one or two minutes.
MAC Strobe Cream
Now that your face is clean, the next step is to moisturize your face and neck area. If you want an extra glow, mix a pea sized amount of Mac strobe cream with the moisturizer and apply it together. This will brighten up your skin and brighten it. This will take one minute or less.

Do Your Brows (optional)
This is an optional step. It depends on how fast you are in doing your eyebrows. You can fill them in a little or just brush and set them using a brow gel or just leave them like that. It's up to you. This should take 3 minutes. If you choose to skip this step, then it's 0 minutes. 
10 highlighters for dark skin

This is the fun part. Apply a highlighter that complements your skin tone. You can use a powder one but the cream and gel ones work best in this case. You can use your fingers to apply the highlighter on the areas that light hits your face. This includes the chin, bridge of the nose, temples, high points of your cheeks and any other place you normally apply your highlighter. This will take two minutes.

Lip Balm
Don't forget to take care of your lips. Apply a lip balm, a nude lipstick or even a little Vaseline. Do whatever works for you. This will take less than a minute.

Set Your Face
The last thing to do is use a setting spray to set your face. Although there isn't much makeup used, the setting spray will make your face look bright and glowy. This will take less than a minute too.
There you have it! A seven minute no foundation routine that will give you an amazing glow and make you look put together. It's worth a try and it might end up being your go-to routine when you're in a hurry.

What's your go-to makeup routine when you're in a hurry?

Winnie Gaturu is a writer, tech lover, mom, wife and student from Nairobi, Kenya. During her free time, she loves trying out new recipes, diy projects, filling in crossword puzzles and spending time with her family. You can catch up with her on yourhairandbeautywrite.wordpress.com.

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