Friday, October 20, 2017

How I Got Pregnant

This time last year I was hella pregnant with baby #2.


He didn't even have a name yet, but he was just as present, and 'here' and real to me as he is right now. I knew he was coming and I excitedly and joyously made plans for his arrival. #AugustMaxwell


The very moment you become aware of a desire, you're 'pregnant', knocked up with the ultimate manifestation of it! When I first read this truth bomb in 'Your Faith is Your Fortune' by Neville Goddard, I was pregnant with my first born and when I birthed her, I also birthed my new and current lifestyle of purpose, leisure and financial independence. It is a powerful way to rest in and act from faith-- to bring the joy from the 'future' manifestation into your NOW moment. This is key. Joyful expectation. Everything you think you want is real, HERE and promised. 🙌🏾

Think of your desire as a promise from God- not from your little mind, but from Him (you are God-being after all). It's already yours-- you can't see it or taste it or touch it but you can feel the realness of it as those #GodFeels I'm always going on about! All you have to do is stay there, aware of those feels, aware that the desire is currently present in the form of those good feels and it (or something better) will swiftly come into view.

So what are you pregnant with?!

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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