Friday, October 20, 2017

Celebrating Black Women's Firsts in 2017

Emmy Winner Lena Waithe 
 By Winnie Gaturu 

You’d imagine that having a first for a black woman would be rare in 2017 but it’s not. There are black women breaking barriers everyday all around us. Whether it's in school, work, politics or in seemingly normal activities, there are firsts happening everywhere. Since it is human nature to admire people you can identify with, it is crucial for black women, especially young girls, to see black women making major achievements in life. Each first opens a new door we never thought of opening. It motivates black women and shows us that we can all be firsts. Right now, we celebrate some of the women who've paved the way for us in many different ways. Here are 10 black women’s firsts in 2017! 

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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