Monday, October 30, 2017

Nyasha's update: London Expat

Nyasha (our friend we met in India)writes:

I can’t believe its been almost 3 years since we met in India, it feels like just yesterday. That night was such a powerful evening, meeting you and Gene. I never imagined that sharing my story of leaving NY to move to Mumbai to volunteer with an NGO and church would encourage so many women to take steps of faith and purse their dreams and purposes.

3 years later, my journey of faith and international service is still going. After serving in the slums of India and working with girls who were rescued from sex trafficking, I had the desire to get a masters in International Development Studies (with a focus on Violence and Conflict). My aim was to gain a deeper understanding of some of the systemic issues behind poverty and violence in developing countries with hopes to be equipped to serve countries at a greater level. Well I applied to SOAS, University of London and was accepted! I left India and went straight to London to complete my 1 year masters.


Living and studying in London was such an amazing experience that I wasn’t ready to leave once my degree was done. I knew that I wanted to work for a large international organization, be based in London, and have a global role so that I could continue to travel and serve around the world. I was blessed to find a job that ticked all the boxes on my list! I now work for the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, an organization serving over 10 million girls around the world. I oversee their “World Centers” and international assets located in London, Switzerland, Mexico, India and across the continent of Africa! Since leaving India, I’ve travelled to almost 20 different countries!
Living in London is really a dream come true and I believe this is still just the beginning. I plan to remain in London but also have a base in NY to continue working in the US and internationally. I also am looking into PhD programs and eventually would like to start my own NGO and work independently supporting other organizations, governments, businesses, and even artist in their visions to make greater impacts around the world.

Fun fact: I’m apart of a close group of over 140 Black Americans who have migrated to London for work, school, art and to start their own businesses (can you say soul food restaurant in London-yum)! I’m not sure if everyone is just trying to escape the leadership of 45 lol, but nonetheless it’s definitely the marking of a historic movement of black people empowered by the generations before us to live outside the box and pursue life internationally. #newgreatmigration

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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