Friday, October 6, 2017

If You Were Waiting for a Sign, This Is It.

Think of your thoughts like your FB feed.


There are posts (thoughts) that make you feel good, posts that make you feel bad and posts that don’t make you feel any type of way. In this analogy though, like in life, you as the user don’t have the ability to create posts.

You aren’t the poster (the thinker), you’re not even the scroller! All you can do is watch the scrolling feed and the never ending posts, one after the other. And after a while, the FB algorithm narrows your feed to serve up more posts like the ones that you’ve been giving the most attention to, both the good and the bad. Your only power in this scenario is the ability to choose where you place your attention. And pretty soon, you’re locked into a feedback loop where your happy mood is being constantly reinforced by posts (thoughts) that make you feel even more joyful which results in inspired action and the manifestation of your best life… you become your feed.  Now, what you don’t realize is that you actually have a third choice!

While looking at the feed on your phone screen, you could turn your attention around 180 degrees and place it on what’s doing the looking (shout out to Douglas Harding!). For the first time ever, consciously place your attention on what’s aware of the feed, the scrolling posts and the good and bad emotions. Bring your phone up a little closer to your face, slowly, until it’s about 2 inches from where other’s see your nose. DO IT. Now, do you see your face and your phone or just your phone? When I bring my phone up to where other people see my face, I don’t see my face. I see everything but my face! I see a phone, colors, letters, a hand holding the phone, a computer on the lap of the body in a chair, and the roof top view of DC—sky, clouds, flowers.  It's like you're looking out of a frameless window, not two small eye holes.  But you aren't looking out of the frameless window.  And you aren't just aware of this frameless window-- YOU are IT.  You are this wide open space, the container for and source of the thoughts (the posts), the phone, these words, that body, the feelings and everything that’s on display now and everything that ever was or will be on display.

Even though you’ve seen this truth, the feed continues to refresh, some posts are annoyingly repeated, and there are still posts that make you feel bad (less so) and ones that bring you joy.  But now you can choose to ignore the posts sometimes and turn back to the Source that you are.  And the more you commune with yourself and live from that space, you can finally use your thoughts the way they were intended—as a tool to create the life you want to see, but in the most efficient and peaceful way possible. #StayWoke

Your other self,

For more on this perspective shift, check out Harding's Headless Way.  Changed my life 4 years ago.

p.s. this isn't a perfect analogy, but I hope it resonated! 

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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