Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Ways to Prevent Hair Loss

IG @laissakeilla 

by Mary Wolff

When it comes to the hair on our heads, the more the better. Thinning hair or the loss of strands altogether can have a big impact on how a person feels about themselves. Luckily there are lots of ways to prevent hair loss! Whether you feel like your hair might be thinning because of age or you just want to stop it before it even has a chance to happen, read on to learn some tips and suggestions to keep your hair right where it belongs.


Live a Healthy Lifestyle

One of the best ways to prevent hair loss is to make sure you are taking care of yourself from the inside out. Much of what our hair looks like is based on the foods we eat, how much we sleep, and the fluids we drink. If you eat junk, your hair looks like junk. You want to aim for foods that are high in essential vitamins and fatty lipids such as the vitamins A, E, and K, as well as Omegas, found in leafy greens, lean proteins like eggs and salmon, and nuts. When it comes to sleep, make sure you are getting at least the recommended 8 hours a night. For hydration, drink at least 8 glasses of water and avoid things that naturally dehydrate you like alcohol and smoking because whatever dehydrates you also dehydrates your hair. Many times, hair loss is tied to a deficiency in vitamins and nutrients which is why living a healthy lifestyle is so important for your hair.

Avoid Strain

A big part of hair loss is caused by being too rough or careless with your hair. Here are a few tips to avoid adding stress to your strands that could lead to breakage and eventual hair loss.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles. Make sure any styles or ponytails are secure but not so tight they tug on hair. This will lead to weakening strands, hair that breaks, and can even damage your follicles against further growth. 
  • Know when hair needs extra TLC. If you are planning on doing any activities that might be super damaging to your hair, like swimming in a pool or salty water, hanging out in the sun, or excessively coloring hair, you need to lay on the TLC before damage strikes. Make sure you apply a moisture rich conditioner designed for your activities such as Carol’s Daughter Tui Moisturizing Hair oil. This oil will keep strands full of moisture and sealed against damage. 
  • Avoid constant use of heating tools. Never use them without applying a barrier product between your hair and the heat such as a small amount of olive oil. This allows hair to get the benefits of heat tools without the damage that can lead to hair loss. 
  • Be gentle when brushing.  Most strands aren’t lost in washing, conditioning, sleeping, or any of the other activities you do every day. The most hair is lost in the brushing. Make sure you don’t work through wet, tangled hair without applying a rich leave in conditioner or natural oil like coconut oil to help with losing the tangles without losing the strands. Make sure you never brush your hair when it is too wet or too dry. You want to find the middle ground where hair is damp but saturated thoroughly with oil for an even brushing that won’t rip your hair out. The best way to detangle is with your fingers! 

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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