Thursday, February 23, 2017


 Hola Chicas,

So this is certainly one of my new favorite things!


Thanks to @mimausa for gifting me this ridiculously lavish stroller. It's truly a chariot fit for a Max. Full review coming soon! #2WeeksPostPartum #BabyBoy #AugustMaxwell

Later Gators,

p.s. I washed my hair and blew it back out with a little Apoghee green tea leave in.  I then created 9 bantu knots using Jane Carter's twisting foam (four knots down the middle like a mohawk and a few on each side of my head).  I left the knots in for a day (although they were dry within an hour or so) and unravelled to reveal this fro-y awesomeness.  To preserve I re-knotted (no product this time and only 5 knots) and tied on a scarf.  

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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