Friday, February 10, 2017

This Really Is a Family Story

It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. In fact, I have a contest going right now. So if you have a story to share, no matter how big or how small, you’ll be in the running to win a big prize. Read more here.

realifestories in lineMy journey to the primal life began in search of health, not weight loss. I could certainly lose a few pounds, but that is not what brought me here.

My work was very demanding; long hours, worked most holidays, high stress, constantly eating on the run, etc. I couldn’t sleep, had anxiety, had wacky hormones, and did not spend much quality time with my husband and two daughters. I started playing around with the paleo diet, and I devoured information on how to live a more healthy lifestyle. That is when I found you. I saw a functional medical doctor who diagnosed me with Hoshimoto’s and Adrenal Fatigue. That sealed the deal, and I was all in.

Luckily, my family has been completely supportive and is all in with me. It has been a fun adventure, and I love that The Primal Blueprint is not just about eating, but about lifestyle as well. Well meaning friends and family worry about my poor kids because they don’t get to eat the way other kids eat. Trust me, my kids are not suffering one bit. They truly love our meals and are developing quite mature palates. They did tell me I could not serve them liver ever again. I’ll give on that one. 🙂 They are 13 and 14 and are getting very creative with healthy ways to make treats. They made cookie dough ice cream after our beef stew tonight.

I enrolled in the 21-Day Challenge and am really enjoying it. My kids are home schooled, so it is super easy to incorporate recess with my exercise. We are all benefitting! I also am in the Primal Health Coach Program. I am only on Key Concept #3, but I started!

My chiropractor is a Primal Blueprint fan and wants me to do a class with his patients when I graduate. I already see how I can take this and run with it. People are always asking for help and advice on how to implement some of the changes that we have made.

My husband and I started a lighting business, so I ditched the old job. My husband’s Type II Diabetes is under control. My Hoshimoto’s is improving, and I expect more good news on my next check up. My youngest daughter’s ADD is significantly improved. Our quality of life is so much better. My mom is taking notice and starting to ditch grains. Lots of good news around here!

I attached a family picture since this really is a family story. Thanks for what you do Mark, and I look forward to helping you achieve your mission of helping 100 million people!

Feature_Mackenroth Family

The post This Really Is a Family Story appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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