Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Real Houseguests of DC

Hola Chicas!

We've been using Airbnb for our international and domestic adventures since 2011 because they've offered practical accommodations for our style of travel. On each trip we've found, dope, art gallery esque, decked out, character-filled houses to stay in. #BallinOnABudget.  And this one time, in Spain, we actually stayed in a real live art gallery!  Even though it's usually just the two of us traveling, we get to spread out in multiple rooms, have the peace of mind of multiple bathrooms and enjoy the simple yet most appreciated things like hot sauce in the pantry and a chilled bottle of wine left for us by the host. Obviously, the aesthetic is really, really important to us, but so is the location. I like to be in a safe neighborhood, but one that's off the beaten path, with the people-- I don't do tourists.

For more about why we travel so much and so often, check out my Forbes interview!

We ready. #ExtraReady

As you know we're expecting Baby Boy Walton any day now and the grandparents couldn't be any more geeked. My parents will be here for the entire month of February (they arrive today!!!!), my mother-in-law has a one-way ticket to DC on Feb 3rd and my Aunt Toney (and Boogie and Baby's Godmother) is coming in for more than a week, in February. Meanwhile we reside in a beautiful glass box, a penthouse loft which is perfect for our little family unit but definitely couldn't stand the Lee-Walton clan descending upon it for 28 days!

But, I do want and need the support... I just also want and need more space. After talking it over with Dr. Daddy, he thought it wise that we reach out to our friends at Airbnb. They've offered us solutions to real, life threatening, first world problems in the past (e.g. making sure hot sauce was in the pantry), why should this be any different? So I got in touch and they secured a HUGE, stunning, 4 bedroom situation on the same block as our loft! No driving or excessive walking necessary. Everyone will have their own bedroom and in-suite bathroom and I can have all the love and support without all the... struggle.

Yes, please. And thank you! 

Telling our parents we were pregnant 9 months ago was an amazing moment. But telling them that Airbnb comped them an opulent house for the entire month, for all of our comfort... I'll never forget how much fun that was. I felt like the Oprah of Hospitality :)

YOU get a room! and YOU get a room!

I'll check back in a couple of days with the view from Walton Abbey.  And keep you posted on

Later Gators,

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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