Friday, February 17, 2017


HOME! #AugustMaxwell #Blessed
Hola Chicas!

I'm happy to report that we are all back home from the hospital and settling in.  I had a follow-up blood pressure check this morning and everything is looking great!  I'll continue to monitor my pressure at home 3x a day (and be on the lookout for any swelling or headaches) for a few weeks and if all goes well, we should be in the clear, AND I'll be able to avoid the pressure meds!  Feeling very blessed!  Speaking of blessings and abundance:


I pump every 3 hours for 15-30 minutes, even through the night (sometimes I stretch it out to every 5 hours over night) to keep my nipples stimulated. And I eat erry'thing and drink water around the clock! Max has a tongue tie (like me and Gia) so I've been exclusively pumping since he was 3 days old. I also enjoy a cup of tea each morning to promote healthy milk production (I steep 1/2 tablespoon of the below mix per 8oz of water)-

½ cup red raspberry leaf
½ cup dried nettle leaf
¼ cup fenugreek seeds
¼ cup fennel seeds
¼ cup alfalfa leaf
¼ cup dried chamomile flowers
¼ cup dandelion leaf

I order all organic from mountain rose herbs. I got the recipe from a friend (hey, Alicia!) and it's delicious and effective (and tastes way better than fenugreek tea on its own)! I pump around 45 ounces a day now and if my BF'ing experiences with Gia are any indication (6 years ago), I'll be pumping a lot more by the 1st month!

Later Gators, 

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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