Tuesday, February 28, 2017



Hola Chicas,

I don't know who cried more today- me or Max or Momma.


Our month long Airbnb gifted family adventure has sadly come to an end. And I promise it felt like only a week! Everyone flew out early this morning and I miss them so much already.  Our extended family was a tremendous support-- cooking meals, sitting with me at the hospital (both stays),  taking Gia to and from school (thank you, Daddy!), taking night duty with Max, running errands for me, and babysitting both kiddos to allow Hubby and I some time to connect and reorient, etc etc! and the idea of doing everything without them just a block away seems daunting as hell. But alas, I've put on my big girl panties (traded them in for those mesh joints I've been rocking since I got out the hospital) and I'm ready to re-enter the world.  Check out the view from our final days in #WaltonAbbey!

Today (2/23), for the first time since Max was born, I walked down the block to the gorgeous home gifted to us by @airbnb #WaltonAbbey ! Gia's been staying down here with our parents and her Godmomma (they've been getting her to and from school) and visiting me, Dr. Daddy and Max at the loft. When she came home from school today, she found us on the couch and was so surprised! She kept saying, 'now, this house is packed!'

God Momma/Aunt Toney in the kitchen making magic!

Daddio and Max

Family dinner at #WaltonAbbey

down at our loft, my dad with my babies! 




Huge thanks to Airbnb for picking up the tab on this special family time.  I am so blessed to have had my family here with me in D.C. for so long.  

Until next time, 

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki http://ift.tt/2m4M4aG

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