Thursday, February 9, 2017

Ways to Dry Natural Hair

IG @heycurlie 

by Mary Wolff

Drying your hair can be a hassle. Curly girls know all too well what happens to strands when you over dry with a heat process like a dryer. Hair can become brittle, dry, damaged, and frizzy. Some curly girls stand by their blow dryers until death do they part. Looking for a different approach to mix things up while still getting the job done? If you’re looking for ways to dry natural hair without the damage or breakage caused by heated methods, here are a few of my favorite suggestions on the matter.


  • Use a Microfiber towel. These towels are designed to create less friction. Friction leads to frizz. Using regular cotton towels raises the cuticles of your strands which causes the frizz. A microfiber towel also helps prevent breakage so it’s a win-win for your curls! Some of my favorites are Mimi’s Diva Dryer towels because they are so affordable and get the job done with lively colors to boot. You can also get these towels in turban styles making it easier than ever to put your hair up to dry. 
  • Use a T-shirt. If you don’t have a microfiber towel on hand, one of the best ways to dry natural hair is with a t-shirt. They are good for absorbing extra moisture without causing friction to your hair. You can also wrap your hair in a t-shirt while doing another part of your routine to soak up extra water. Save time and dry your hair? You are a multitasking queen! This method is called plopping and it is really easy. Simply lay a clean cotton t-shirt on the bed and turn your head upside down so your hair is on the shirt. Make sure your hair has your favorite leave-in conditioner on it for added benefits. Then wrap the waist of the shirt around your head near the neck, bring the chest of the shirt around your hair while flipping your head back to a standing position. Make sure all hair is tucked into the shirt and then use the sleeves to tie if off. When you take your hair down, it will be dry and beautiful without the frizz or flatness of other options. 
  • Air Dry. This is a method that requires you blot out any excessive moisture as much as possible. Don’t worry if strands are still a little damp. You can typically still apply your styling products and be on your way with air drying. 
  • Use your hair dryer. There is no shame in your game if you choose to use your dryer for a speedier way to dry strands. It is one of the most common ways to dry natural hair for several reasons. It is fast and effective, especially on busy mornings when you need to get out the door. There are a few steps to take to make sure you get maximum drying power and minimal damage. When using your hair dryer, make sure you use a diffuser. This will distribute the heat more evenly over your curls to help with frizz. You also want to make sure you use a rich moisturizer to avoid any heat damage drying out your locks. 
When it comes to your hair, do what feels best for you. Only you know what will work best for your curls!

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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