Thursday, February 2, 2017

CurlyNikki on Breastfeeding (and a $1000 Giveaway!)

Boobs and Boogie! (2010 in North Carolina) 

Hola chicas,

We're down to the wire, and Baby Boy Walton will be here any second!!!! We ready!

When I was pregnant with Boogie, I knew I wanted to breastfeed. Breast milk has lots of vitamins and goodies that can help protect babies from stomach viruses and ear infections, and breastfeeding is good for moms, too! It can lower stress and the risk of postpartum depression, and the longer women breastfeed, the more they're protected against breast and ovarian cancer.

But even though it has great benefits, Black and Hispanic moms breastfeed at lower rates than other groups. Lots of moms can't or won't breastfeed because they don't have enough info, or they don't know anyone else who's breastfed their baby.

And for working moms, breastfeeding can be even harder! When my daughter was born, I was still working a 9-5. I knew I'd have to get back to work therapizing folks pretty quickly--so I looked into breast pumps. Pumping lets a spouse or partner get involved with feeding, and helps moms that are going back to work, keep giving their babies breast milk.

My aunt Anita recommended the Medela and after doing my googles, I learned that it was the only way to go. I figured I'd use it (and only need it) when it was time to get back to the office, but I couldn't get Gia to latch properly. I ended up using the pump to feed her for 9 whole months! It was amazing and simple and I felt like I was doing something good for her. Fast forward 6 years, and she's never had an ear infection and rarely gets sick.

Medela made it easy for me to feed Gia then, and helps even more moms to breastfeed and pump now with:

· Medela At Work, which gives moms and employers resources to support the back-to-work transition after pregnancy. Medela even has a library of videos of real moms sharing their breastfeeding stories

· Breastfeeding University, short online courses and videos to help prepare moms, dads, and even grandparents for breastfeeding

· Closing the Disparities Gap: As part of its commitment to reducing breastfeeding disparities, Medela offers a resource page with information about the challenges many women of color face when they initiate breastfeeding, and the ways that communities can support every mom

With little man on the way, I plan to breastfeed again. I haven't worked a 9 to 5 since 2010 (#blessed), but I still like the idea of having the freedom to be able to get away without worrying about feedings, having the occasional glass of wine, and allowing Dr. Daddy to bond with baby during feeding time!

Medela's new Sonata model makes breastfeeding even easier with a one-of-a kind digital breastfeeding support app, MyMedela®. The app tracks baby’s activities and gives moms unlimited access to support and expert tips, and if I forget to charge my pump, MyMedela sends a reminder right to my phone. (Awesome, right?) Plus, it's super quiet and super light at just 2 pounds.

You know that when I win, you win! So I reached out to Medela and they gifted me a pump and one to gift to one of you (plus a year's worth of breast feeding supplies)!   The winner will receive this amazing bundle (worth ~1k!!!)--

To enter:

1.  Like/follow Medela Facebook

2.  Follow Medela IG

3.  Leave me a message below, saying you've entered! 

Contest ends on Feb 15, 2017!  Good luck!  

*Medela does not ship to PO boxes 

*Winners must be in the United States

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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