Saturday, February 25, 2017

#MomLife: A Few of My Favorite Things + a Giveaway!

2/24/16 -- It's 75 degrees here in DC and I'm on my way to an al fresco lunch date with Dr.Daddy! Huge thanks to Airbnb for putting my parents up in a gorgeous house for an entire month (and picking up the tab) to make excursions like these possible ('cause I don't let just anybody keep my kids!). 

Hola Chicas!

Yesterday, I shared pics of Max's new ride (review coming soon) and today, I'm sharing two more of my #ChicMommy must-haves!


For your chance to win a DockATot and an Ollie World swaddle, leave a comment on @curlynikki IG 

Max is a good little sleeper, but having him close to me helps us both sleep better at night. The DockATot gives me added security when he's co-sleeping with me and hubby because he has his own little space! It's also dope cause he can chill out with us in every room in the house! Definitely a must-have item. The Ollie World swaddle was crucial on those first days in the hospital. Max is no longer a fan of tight spaces, but when he was, this swaddle was quick and easy to secure-- the stretchy material and big velcro tabs make all the difference!

This IG contest ends Monday (Feb 27) at 9pm EST. One lucky winner will be randomly chosen. Good luck!

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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