Saturday, September 10, 2016

Welcome to Mark’s Daily Apple 3.0! (Plus a Contest)

MDA3.0_WelcomeI’m sure all of you have noticed something different today. I wrote recently about the changes coming to Mark’s Daily Apple, and today’s the big unveiling! Based on all of your helpful feedback and tips, I’ve worked with my team to develop the best version of Mark’s Daily Apple yet. We’ve made a lot of cosmetic and functional changes to the site, but this update also includes a commitment to continue to publish daily articles that challenge conventional wisdom and help people achieve optimal health and wellness. I’ll talk more about that later. But first, I’d like to talk a bit about how far we’ve come and walk you through some of the new features.

Since I first started posting my daily musings just shy of ten years ago, Mark’s Daily Apple has undergone a number of updates. Back in 2006, when I was just getting my blogging bearings, this is what MDA looked like:

Old MDA 97

Good stuff, huh? What seemed cutting edge for the time looked a bit like a museum piece only a few years later. So back in 2009, with hundreds of additional posts under my belt, my team and I decided it was time for a facelift. This is the MDA we’ve all been familiar with since then:

MDA 2.0

The time for change has come once again. Last year, I decided it was time to make some adjustments to meet the growing ambitions of the Primal movement. And that’s how we arrived at what you see today. Take a look around and I think you’ll agree that the new site is better than ever!

To help you get better acquainted, let me go over a few of the changes.

First, most of you are used to accessing the most recent blog post directly on the homepage. But since I started writing this blog ten years ago, the Primal movement and the number of projects in our Primal community has grown vastly. So, to give you and everyone else a more comprehensive, bird’s eye view of all the happenings in the Primal sphere, we’ve created an expansive homepage that features recent recipes, Primal Blueprint podcast episodes, updates on PRIMAL KITCHEN™, recent blog posts, Success Stories, and more!

Now, all you have to do is click “Blog” at the top of the new, stylish, all-in-one homepage to get straight to your daily posts. Or, if you’re a regular reader and you’d prefer to bypass the homepage altogether, go ahead and bookmark the blog at the link above to give yourself a shortcut. But do check the homepage from time to time. The latest and greatest announcements, events, products, special offers and more will all be featured there.

Finding What You’re Looking For

With thousands of published articles, Mark’s Daily Apple has become a repository of useful information for a whole variety of topics. And since the large library of posts has gotten so hefty, I wanted to make it easier than ever to help you browse topics and find what you’re looking for. Here are few examples of some of those improvements:

  • Use the search bar to find what your looking for, and then sort your search results by major topics to refine your results.
  • Success Stories are now searchable by Age, Sex and Story Topic, so you can find stories written by males or females, within a particular age range, and about a particular health topic (Weight Loss, or Diabetes, or Digestion, for example). Just hover over “Success Stories” at the top of the page to see the options.
  • Click the category icons (e.g. Diet & Nutrition, Fitness, Primal Lifestyle, etc.) found at the top of blog posts to view other articles in that category.
  • Click tags (e.g. Mobility, Gluten, Coffee, Menopause, etc.) at the end of articles to discover related articles.

Between these and other navigation improvements it should make finding your way around the site a much better experience.


Looking for that perfect vegetable-laden lunch recipe? What about a savory chicken soup (since, after all, it’s your mom’s favorite)? Or how about a Primal-friendly appetizer for that seafood-loving friend of yours? With our new recipes section, finding the perfect Primal dish for any occasion has never been easier.

Success Stories

Looking for a shining example of someone who’s conquered struggles similar to yours? As mentioned above, now you can look up Success Stories by age, sex, and common types of topics. I almost guarantee there’s a story there you can identify with. And if there isn’t, I’d love for you to create one as an example for others! Remember, I’m always looking for Success Story submissions from Mark’s Daily Apple readers who have changed their lives by going Primal. So if you have one brewing, even if you’re a work in progress (aren’t we all?), submit your story here.

New Topics on the Horizon

But here’s the thing. I haven’t only decided to update the blog’s look and functionality. I also want to take this time to reflect on some of the major (and not so major) changes that have taken place in the Primal movement since it began. Some things that were once considered taboo have now made their way gingerly into the Primal lives of many MDA readers. Ten years is a long time to read, learn, and collectively evolve. New studies have emerged. New opinions have been voiced. And new conclusions have been drawn. So over the next several months, I’ll be writing articles that evaluate some of the biggest questions, updates, and changes that have cropped up since I laid out the essentials in The Primal Blueprint.

But that’s not all.

Besides revisiting and updating some of the essential principles and concepts outlined years ago, I thought it’d be fun to cover some of the upcoming, cutting edge trends percolating in the ancestral health sphere. I’m talking about all the hot topics that are sure to be arriving at your doorstep (if some of them haven’t already). There are more than a couple topics that have some interesting implications for Primal living in the years to come, so I figured I might as well start covering them tout de suite!

And, last but not least…

Remember that contest a month back? Congratulations, Jared, you’re the winner! I’ll be getting in contact soon to send off your prize package.

But to kick off this new version of Mark’s Daily Apple, I thought I’d give everyone else another shot at the prize.

The Contest

“What are some of the most important things you’ve learned and accomplished by going Primal?”

Just pop your answer in the comments section below. Or, to double your chances of winning, “like” the Mark’s Daily Facebook page and leave your comment there, too.

A winner will be chosen at random. So have at it!

The Prize

A PRIMAL KITCHEN™ prize package containing the following:

The Deadline

September 7th at midnight (PDT)!

Who’s Eligible

Everyone. We’ll ship this prize package anywhere in the world!

A heartfelt thanks to all of you, my readers and Primal compatriots. You guys make this blog what it is. And I’m so excited for what the future has in store for all of us!

The post Welcome to Mark’s Daily Apple 3.0! (Plus a Contest) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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