Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Weekend Link Love – Edition 417

weekend_linklove in-lineResearch of the Week

Vitamin D may reduce asthma attacks.

Nibbling your nuts linked to lower inflammation.

Human brains are particularly blood-thirsty.

Antibiotic prescriptions linked to food allergies in kids. Parents: if you’re faced with giving your kid antibiotics, read this.

The majority of your brain’s structure was inherited from your parents.

Caffeine may keep cognitive decline at bay.

“Leisure-time physical activity,” or play, also protects against cognitive decline.

Among males with a genetic predisposition, exposure to first-trimester ultrasound may increase the severity of autism.

Foam rolling one limb affects the other.

Now appearing in human brains near you: toxic nanoparticles from air pollution.

Minor dehydration impairs cognitive ability.

To improve frailty scores (and other reasons, too), seniors should be eating a bare minimum of 1 g/kg protein.

In obese European-American and African-American women, a low-carb diet improved GERD.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts


Episode 134: Domini Kemp and Patricia Daly: Two cancer survivors who used ketogenic dieting to beat the disease visit the podcast to chat about their new ketogenic cookbook, how various diet strategies affect cancer, and much more.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Interesting Blog Posts

Maybe kids should play with sharp things.

We aren’t perceiving objective reality, and it’s probably for the best.

Media, Schmedia

Our gut bacteria contain microbiomes made up of viruses.

The possible evolutionary role of loneliness.

Good riddance.

Everything Else

Sometimes organic is a scam.

Awesome libraries.

Maldives sinking, Schmaldives schminking: climate change could make coffee go extinct.

Got cats? Make ’em work for their food.

Haven’t these scientists ever watched Them!?

The Chuck Yeager fitness regimen (e-book out soon?).

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Sep 11 – Sep 17)

Comment of the Week

“Love the new look: cleaner, brighter, bigger and well organized!”

– Thanks, Susan. It’s amazing what a new dress suit can do. Oh, you mean the site? Yeah, I’m digging the new look, too.

The post Weekend Link Love – Edition 417 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple http://ift.tt/2coD5vl

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