Sunday, September 25, 2016

Weekend Link Love – Edition 419


weekend_linklove in-lineIf you’re pinterested in winning a gift certificate to Whole Foods, enter this Primal Kitchen Pinterest contest.

Research of the Week

Oxytocin is awesome.

30 grams of freeze-dried wild blueberries provides big cognitive boosts to 7-10 year olds, 15 grams less so.

Your fitness tracker probably won’t actually help you lose much weight.

The effect of cold showers on health and productivity.

Don’t let your genetics dissuade you from exercising and eating well.

A review of vitamin D and cancer finds “there exist over 15 types of cancer for which UVB exposure and/or 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations have been found associated with reduced risk.”

Cultures historically exposed to large variations in rainfall (a proxy for agricultural risk) tend to be more collectivist, asserts a new paper.

New evidence of human-controlled fire in the early paleolithic: burnt mammal bones from a 780k-980k years-old Spanish dig site.

Scientists witness genes age (and find that eating less food slows the process).

Fasting for up to 72 hours is “safe and feasible” for cancer patients undergoing plantium-based chemotherapy.

Neanderthals made body ornaments.

In Singapore Chinese men and women, elevated liver enzymes predict type 2 diabetes risk.

Escaped farmed salmon are getting it on with wild salmon.

Too many are too sedentary.

The BMJ’s editor calls for an independent review of statins.

New (and Old) Primal Blueprint Podcasts


Episode 84: Gabrielle Reece: Check out this episode from the archives. Elle Russ sits down with Gabby Reece, legendary Olympic volleyball champion. The two talk diet, pesticide use in Hawaii, raising children, ballistic training, and more.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Interesting Blog Posts

How to use resistance bands (and why you shouldn’t sneer at them).

Bad science: a matter of when, not if.

How current in vitro fertilization technology already allows prospective parents to assess each embryo’s genetic makeup before choosing.

Media, Schmedia

The Telegraph discovers the wonders of high-fat cheese.

Outside Online covers the high-fat diet for athletes.

Nature-based schools show promise.

Everything Else

Elle Russ chats about The Paleo Thyroid Solution with Primal Health Coach Vanessa Lambert on the Bee the Wellness podcast.

Swap ants for humans and you’ve got yourself a decent premise for a YA sci-fi series.

What’s the point of even living?

The UN General Assembly is meeting to discuss superbugs.

Why you should consider eccentric isometric training.

Danish archaeologists unearth evidence of an ancient goof.

Why doesn’t honey go bad?

Chicago just opened an adult playground.

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Sep 25 – Oct 1)

Comment of the Week

Gluten free apples are all the rage here!

– Man, I’ve been looking everywhere for those.

The post Weekend Link Love – Edition 419 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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