Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Pardon Our Dust! Big Changes Coming Today and Tomorrow!

Coming Soon! in lineHi, everyone! Just a quick announcement. If you experience any difficulties with Mark’s Daily Apple today or some issues with the forum through tomorrow, hang in there. We’ll be undergoing a pretty monumental shift. Like I alluded to earlier, we have some very exciting surprises for all of you. And the time has come to let the cat out of the bag, so to speak. But that means we’ll be making a few ruffles getting things situated. What am I talking about? Why the tense, enigmatic, secretive, baiting tone? Well, why not? It’s fun to create a little suspense. And I think this occasion calls for it. Read on to learn more.

Many of you have asked for bigger, better, more robust ways of navigating through all of the content I have here on Mark’s Daily Apple. And I’ve heard you loud and clear.

Some of you were hankering for a fresh new look on MDA to go along with all the progress we’ve made over the years. And I shared your desire.

Finally, some of you were looking for some awesome, new, cutting edge content to sink your teeth into.

Message received.

So later today, amidst some possible blips on the radar, you’ll be seeing a very different Mark’s Daily Apple hitting the scene.

New look. New content. But the same dedication to the topics and Primal resources you love.

I can’t wait to show it to you. So just hold onto your hats and bear with us while we start putting on the finishing touches to get this show started.

Stay tuned!

from Mark's Daily Apple http://ift.tt/2bUpn6w

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