Friday, September 23, 2016

Submit Your Story: You Could Win the Entire PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Product Line!


Calling all readers! Do you have a Primal Blueprint Success Story you’d like to share? Then I want to hear from you (and so do the rest of us)! I’ll even give you the shot at winning an awesome prize package.

Write it your story and include a photo. Including both pre-Primal and post-Primal pics is best, but not required. Don’t worry if you’re not sporting a six-pack. This isn’t a “who’s the most ripped” contest. Whether you’ve lost 100 pounds over two years of Primal living or you’ve simply managed to kick that Diet Coke habit, just tell me what going Primal has done for you. I’m looking for interesting and personal stories of all varieties.

You can include details about your health history, how you found MDA and The Primal Blueprint, what has worked and what hasn’t, what differences you’ve seen in how you look and feel, and anything else you think readers might be able to learn from (that you’re open to sharing) are welcome. It doesn’t have to be a thousand word diatribe, but more than a couple paragraphs is best. Feel free to be creative with your story format, too. Remember, good stories usually have a beginning, a middle, and an end. And of course, honesty is king.

If you’ve ever thought about sending in your story but haven’t gotten around to it, then there is no better time than now!

The Prize

The entire PRIMAL KITCHEN™ product line! You’ll get to much on and cook with every product currently available from PRIMAL KITCHEN™.  


The prize package includes:

1 jar of PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Mayo

1 jar of PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Chipotle Lime Mayo

1 bottle of PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Avocado Oil

1 bottle of PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Extra Virgin Avocado Oil

1 container of PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Vanilla Primal Fuel

1 container of PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Chocolate Primal Fuel

1 12-pack box of PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Dark Chocolate Almond Bars

1 12-pack box of my brand new PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Coconut Cashew Bars

1 bottle of PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Honey Mustard Vinaigrette

1 bottle of PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Greek Vinaigrette


There are tons of great examples throughout MDA history.

Just take a look through the Success Stories archives here for ideas on how to write your own.

How to Enter

Email me your story along with any pictures. Please use the subject heading “My Primal Story.” That way your story makes it to the top of my inbox and doesn’t get lost at sea.


Anyone in the world can enter.

The Deadline

September 30, midnight PDT.

How the Winner Will Be Determined

My team and I will determine which stories and accompanying photos get published on MDA. But the winner of the prize package above will be chosen at random from those that are submitted.

Ready to Share Your Story? Write It Up and Email Me Here.

Good luck, everyone! I look forward to reading each and every story.

The post Submit Your Story: You Could Win the Entire PRIMAL KITCHEN™ Product Line! appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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