Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Best Herbal Infusions for Strong and Healthy Natural Hair

IG @tracyjo_

by Sointocurls via

Most likely, you may have heard of herbal infusions for health purposes. Because of the cancer-fighting properties of many herbs, many people regularly prepare and enjoy herbal concoctions for relaxation and medicinal purposes and also to satisfy their palates. But did you know that herbal infusions can also be used to strengthen and beautify hair?


What Are Herbal Infusions?
An herbal infusion is, put very simply, an extract. Often, this extract is prepared by boiling hot water and then pouring the hot water over dried herbs and allowing the mixture to sit, covered, for a period of 4-10 hours. Once the mixture is cooked, it is then ready for consumption or use on the hair. Typically, the recipe for an infusion calls for one tablespoon of dried herb to one cup of boiling hot water.

How Can Herbal Infusions Be Incorporated Into Your Natural Hair Routine?
Very easily. For instance, an herbal infusion can be added to your conditioner of choice so that your hair receives added benefits. Alternatively, some people prefer to use infusions as gentile cleansing agents, adding tea tree oil or other antibacterial elements to bolster the cleansing effect of antibacterial herbs. Still others have found that herbal infusions are extremely useful as a final rinse, facilitating easier detangling of curly hair and restoring it to its proper Ph level.

Which Herbs Should Be Used?
Practically any one that you choose. For instance, both ginger and comfrey stimulate the scalp and encourage hair growth, while rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent choice for calming and detangling hair. Dandelion root, containing copious amounts of iron, assists with dandruff issues and dry hair, while Bhringraj prevents premature graying of hair and adds intensive moisture.

As you can see, whatever your hair problem is, there is an herb that’s available to handle it, and I’ve only just scratched the surface. Why not do your own research and work some herbs into your hair care routine? The results just might amaze you!

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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