Thursday, September 29, 2016

Field Trip.

Hola Chica,

Yesterday the three (four?!) of us took a field trip down to the new Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture.  The tickets are incredibly difficult to secure (I believe they're pushed out to January right now), but Dr. Daddy managed to snag three when they first became available.  He's been excited about the magnificent brown structure since we moved here back in late 2014, commenting on it every single time we rode by.   So it was amazing to finally set foot inside and do some exploring.  And exploring we did... for 3 whole hours, which apparently isn't enough time to see everything!  We would've stayed longer, but the way this second pregnancy is set up... my lower back and hips were like, 'nah, homie', and then I got hungry, so we ended up at Popeye's.  The museum was all the way live tho, folks (OUR people... so beautiful) everywhere with some exhibits so packed we were in there shoulder to shoulder!


To my surprise, they allowed photography and while I contemplated getting some shots of the amazing images, artifacts (they have Harriet Tubman's fork, y'all), and statues to share with you, I decided not to.  For two reasons-

(1) Presence for me.  In the last couple of years, I've made a conscious decision to slow down and appreciate each moment I arrive in.  Because of this, I've also taken far fewer pictures because I like to stop, look and listen without a screen up to my face.  It has greatly improved my quality of life and it's excellent modeling for Boogie who is growing up in this digital world.

(2) Presence for you.  I want you to acquire tickets and go in there excited, with an open mind ready to slow down and have your own experience.  And maybe you'll be less inclined to view it through the screen of your camera as well!

I implore you to plan your trip.  It was an incredibly powerful and uplifting experience and journey through our story.  One that I'm sure Boogie will never forget and one that I wish Gma could've been here to see.

overlooking the National Mall  



from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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