Friday, September 2, 2016

How to Detangle and Lose Less Hair After a Protective Style

IG @DoyinBadewa

by Doyin Badewa

I am definitely here for finger detangling my hair and I have been doing it for months now. I had just taken out my faux locs and did not rethink continuing my regular finger detangling ritual before shampooing my hair and let’s just say it did not turn out so well. I ended up with a big mess of tangles and lost a lot more hair shed than usual. I realized that because I had the faux locs in for quite a while, after taking them out (and not detangling it for a few days after that), I had developed some major kinks that finger detangling alone was not able to remove. With the length and amount of my hair, I had to go back to my neglected faithful combs. If you ever fall into a hot tangling mess like I did, remember:


1. Be patient – I cannot stress how important this is. You will get frustrated and angry, but do not let this ‘little’ wash-day hiccup defeat you. Take your time and focus on method rather than getting it done quickly.
2. Conditioner is your best friend – Use as much conditioner as you need. The conditioner provides slip to your hair and makes it easier to comb through. Let it do the job for you.
3. Wet your hair – hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Water also provides a lot of slip and makes it easier to comb through.
4. Use a combination of your fingers and a comb – Use your fingers initially to remove as many kinks as possible, then proceed to use a wide tooth comb, wooden brush or denman brush (whichever one works best for you).
5. Work from the bottom up – I am sure we have all heard this before. The worst mistake you can make is to start combing through your hair from the roots, not only will you end up in a world of pain but you will also pull out a lot of new growth.
6. Don’t be afraid of losing hair – you will always shed hair after a protective style. Don’t panic. Focus on detangling it properly now so that you don’t have to detangle it everyday for the next one week.

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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