Sunday, August 7, 2016

Weekend Link Love – Edition 412

Weekend Link LoveJust a quick shout out to let you know that for the month of August, you can grab a digital copy of the following books for only $3.99 on Amazon: Death By Food PyramidFruit Belly, and The Primal Prescription.

You may not have a health coach, but you can still benefit from these 5 lessons.

Research of the Week

To counter all that sitting, you might need to train for an hour a day.

Resistant starch pancakes eaten with whey protein increase satiety and fat oxidation.

Early introduction of egg white and peanut to breastfed babies reduces their allergenicity.

Farm dust exposure in childhood might be the key to asthma prevention.

Is rest really best after a concussion?

Homes in wealthy neighborhoods have more bugs.

Resistant starch has a stronger effect on blood lipids, while fiber is better at improving glycemic control.

Lauric acid (primary MCT in coconut oil) stimulates ketone production in brain astrocytes.

Metformin users, be aware. B12 deficiency is common in people using metformin, and sometimes it causes peripheral neuropathy.

Danazol, a synthetic male steroid, preserves telomerase in humans and may reverse aging.

In middle aged women, high-intensity, low-volume swim sprints beat low-intensity, high-volume swimming for improving insulin sensitivity and glucose control.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts


Episode 129: Sher Smith: Host Elle Russ hangs out with Sher Smith, a recent success story from Elle’s upcoming Paleo Thyroid Solution. They discuss Sher’s amazing journey from thyroid problems and eating disorders to easy Primal eating, exercising, and living.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Interesting Blog Posts

The Harvard research group can’t stop attacking butter. Why?

What does Primal productivity look like?

Fecal transplants work, but poop pills don’t.

Media, Schmedia

If you’re under 25, Peter Thiel may want your blood.

“…three of the Olympic 800m finalists might be intersex athletes.”

Leading nutritional scientists call for a new approach to studying diet and its effect on health: focus on foods in context, not nutrients in isolation.

Now they’re saying lean protein makes you fat.

Everything Else

Better than pesticides: 1000 ducks.

Better than soy: duck weed.

Never thought I’d read about a “yoga-fueled rampage,” but here we are.

The more we look, the more similar we are to the Neanderthal.

The McMuffin’s got real butter now.

A chef complains about home cooks.

Hey, you know what sounds great? An evidence-based policy for sodium intake.

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Aug 7 – Aug 13)

Comment of the Week

Should we instead change the name from cockroach milk to Beetlejuice? 😜

Yes, we probably should.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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