Wednesday, August 24, 2016

How to Care for Your Natural Hair While Protective Styling

by Michelle Thames of

Protective styling is known as a style that helps to protect your hair and ends from the everyday elements. A protective style does not require much manipulation such as combing, brushing and pulling of your hair. I love wearing protective styles all year round.

If you have been keeping up with me, you know that I have been protective styling all summer. The reason that I have chosen to wear protective styles this summer is because I am trying to help my hair grow and retain length, and I’m just not feeling my natural hair right now. Due to a few reasons my hair just has not been super healthy like it should be. I talked about how I had to learn all over again how to care for my natural hair post baby, here.


This summer I have tried out crochet braids with curlkalon hair, a wig, clip- in extensions by Kinky Cury Yakki, crochet faux goddess locs and crochet twists. I also have been taking a multivitamin every day with my hair skin and nails vitamin and drinking 64-75 ounces of water a day. It is important that I began to take care of my hair from the inside out.

Caring for your hair while you are protective styling is very important. Just because your hair is in a protective style doesn’t mean you can forget about it. I have been keeping up a consistent regimen while I am protective styling. Here are a few ways that I care for my hair while protective styling.

  1. I have been taking care of my scalp by using my Pre-shampo DIY treatment for my dry scalp.
  2. In between my protective styling I have been making sure to deep condition as well as steam my hair.
  3. Also, I have found that it is very important to clarify your hair. I usually use a clarifying shampoo or use the bentionite clay treatment to clarify my hair.
  4. Moisture is a major key alert!! Although your hair in a protective style, you still need to moisturize your scalp. I use a mixture of water, my favorite oil (tea tree), liquid leave in, and aloe vera juice.
  5. Night time care is also important, you still need to cover your hair with a satin bonnet or scarf. Rough cotton pillows can pull moisture from your hair, so make sure you are protecting your hair at night.

While practicing this temporary protective style regimen, I hope to nurse my hair back to health. I am not manipulating it as much so I hope to retain length. Next month I will go to my stylist and get a trim and see how my hair is coming along!

How do you care for your hair while protective styling?

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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