Friday, August 19, 2016

Real Talk: I'm Not Feeling My Natural Hair

by Michelle Thames of 

So I’ll be honest, I’m not feeling my natural hair. My hair has been through some major changes over the past year. If you have been following me, you know that I had to learn to care for it all over again with new techniques and practices due to post-partum shedding and texture changes. Read my story here.


While it has been going great for the most part, I still find myself back at the same point. I am constantly looking at old pictures of how my hair used to be and feeling sad. I know that my hair may never be the same as it was pre and immediately post baby, but sometimes it's just hard for me to accept that. I’m being totally transparent with y’all, I’m not feeling my natural hair.

I’ve been trying new techniques and new styles but I stay disappointed with my hair. So lately to keep my hands out of my hair, I have been protective styling all summer. You can check out the styles that I have been rocking, Here, Here, and Here

I am saying all of this to say that I too have bad hair days. You may not see the bad side of the Natural Hair Gurus, that you follow online but I’m sure they have bad hair days too and sometimes are not feeling their natural hair (me included). My hair and I are not getting along right now, but I won’t give up. I will continue to take care of it and nurture it. I have been consistent with my healthy hair regimen, vitamin intake and water intake. I have also been making sure that my hair is deep conditioned in between protective styling.

Sometimes you just are not feeling your hair. You just feel blah, because your hair isn’t acting right I’m here to tell you girlfriend I’ve been there. I’m there right now. But, I’m gonna get through this. At the end of the day I love my natural hair and would never go back to a relaxer!

Are you not feeling your natural hair?

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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