Tuesday, August 30, 2016

How I Got Rid of Hyperpigmentation and Scars Naturally

results w/ DIY natural remedy 

by Ariane of BlackNaps.org

After the birth of my daughter my acne was on a whole new level. This breakout left one half of my face with a very noticeable dark patch and pitted acne scars.

It was so bad, I decided it was high time to pay a dermatologist a visit. I left that visit more frustrated than when I came in. Since I am a breastfeeding mom, the doctor I spoke with said that nothing that she would recommend to treat the hyperpigmentation would be safe (this I have no issue with it). My next question to her was, “Are there any natural at home treatments I could use”? To which she replied that she was not a holistic doctor and couldn’t give me any suggestions. Essentially I forked over a $40 copay for her to tell me absolutely nothing.


For a while I hid my scars as best as I could with makeup. Eventually, that became too much of a hassle. I was constantly getting makeup on my daughter’s face when I kissed her and then I ended up breaking out her sensitive baby skin when I got my makeup on her. I decided that I needed to do my research and come up with my own remedy.

For a little over a month I have been using my own homemade facial scrub and it has work wonderfully. Here are the ingredients:

-1 tablespoon fresh ginger juice (ginger is good for treating dark spots)
-1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice (also good for dark spots)
-1 tablespoon organic honey (antibacterial and moisturizing)
-3 drops tea tree oil (antibacterial properties)
-4 tablespoons Epson Salt (to provide grit for exfoliation)

I have been using this for a little over a month now (see my results above).

As you can see I definitely don’t have perfect skin, but it is a big improvement. The scars are not as deep, my skin looks more smooth and the hyperpigmentation has lightened up. I use this scrub once every day and my mixture ends up lasting close to two weeks. I store the mix in my fridge, because this has no preservatives and if stored outside the fridge it will be prone to bacterial growth.

Don’t use this if you are still breaking out
If you are still actively breaking out this mix may be too rough and will likely agitate your skin. I am no longer breaking out as of this time. I am not sure whether this due to a change of diet, being on birth control or a combination of both.

My acne seems to be triggered largely by my hormones, stress and sugar. Too bad it took me years to find this out. Now I have been focusing my skin care routine on cleaning up the aftermath of breakouts with this lovely mix.

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care http://ift.tt/2bOoNBZ

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