Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Big Changes Coming to Mark’s Daily Apple! What Do You Want to See? (Plus a Contest)

Question finalIt’s truly hard to believe, but this year we’re coming up on the blog’s ten year anniversary. That’s ten years of Primal tips, trends, contests, health challenges, events, and more. From a series of quick musings in the days when blogging was still the wild west, to thousands of posts and forum discussions later, Mark’s Daily Apple has come a long way since its humble beginnings. To celebrate, and to continue my life goal of helping 100 million people get healthy and live awesome, I have big plans for Mark’s Daily Apple on the very near horizon. Last year, I asked all of you for input as my team and I began the process of giving the blog a major design update. Now, after many months of hard work, we’re coming up on the final stages of getting the newly minted version of the blog ready for showtime. And we’ll be rolling it out in the weeks to come.

But here’s the thing.

It all starts and ends with you, Mark’s Daily Apple readers. You continue to be my primary focus and, as always, this blog wouldn’t be what it is without you.

So today I want to know what you want out of MDA. What do you want to learn? What interests you? And since I get some form of the question often, what do you want to know about my own personal day-to-day?

Health trends and topics have evolved a lot since I first started writing this blog. What was once a fringe topic is now mainstream. What was once novel is now old news. So what do you think is new, relevant, captivating, and pressing that needs to be addressed in the Primal sphere of 2016 and beyond? How can I better serve you and the community we have built together?

I’ve covered a lot of topics, but there are plenty more to be explored.

Whether it’s the new frontier of Primal Endurance, to the burgeoning field of Primal health coaching, there are new modes, concepts and practices of Primal living that are taking a foothold. Nutrition and lifestyle science, after all, is always coming out with new information. And the modern world isn’t planning on forestalling change anytime soon.

So I want to know how I can tackle all matter of things that matter most! And to give you some incentive in exchange for your thoughts, I’ll give you a shot at winning some free stuff (because, why not?)

The Contest

“What do you want me to write about?”

My articles are constantly informed by the thoughts and ideas of my readers. Today is your chance to tell me what you’d like to see me research and write about in the foreseeable future. In the comments section below, tell me one topic you’d like to see covered, or one question you’d like to see answered, or the title of one blog post that just has to be written. I’m leaving this fairly open ended. No idea is too small or big.

A winner will be chosen at random. Agreeing with other people is allowed (and encouraged), but only the idea comments will be counted for drawing purposes.

The Prize

A PRIMAL KITCHEN™ prize package containing the following:

1 Jar of Original Mayo

1 Jar of Chipotle Lime Mayo

6-Pack of Dark Chocolate Almond Bars

1 Bottle of the new Extra Virgin Avocado Oil

1 Bottle of Honey Mustard Vinaigrette

1 Bottle of Greek Vinaigrette

The Deadline

Midnight (PDT), tonight!

Who’s Eligible

Everyone. We’ll ship this prize package anywhere in the world!

Thanks in advance to everyone that offers an idea. I’ll see what I can do to give you what you want as we unveil the newest version of Mark’s Daily Apple!

from Mark's Daily Apple http://ift.tt/2axNFkO

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