Monday, August 1, 2016

Apricot Oil for Softer, Fuller Natural Hair

by Sabrina Perkins of

From olive to coconut, it seems as though every oil we come across is better than the next. It’s easy to get caught up in the hype, especially when we see our favorite You Tubers and hair crushes raving about the newest trends.

Although most of us would like to argue that coconut oil is the be-all-end-all solution for everything from dry scalp to crusty feet, apricot oil has been making waves for a while as possibly being one of the best oils in the game. So what’s so great about it? What is it about apricot oil that has everyone in such a tizzy?


Apricot oil is derived from dried apricot kernels that have been cold pressed. These kernels have an oil content of about 40-50% and is mainly composed of linoleic and oleic fatty acids, as well as Vitamin A, D & E. The fatty acids that it contains work wonders for both skin and hair health, paving the way for apricot oil to make its way into a host of different beauty products of all descriptions.

What Apricot Oil Does For Your Hair
Oleic acid specifically makes both hair and skin softer and more pliable while linoleic acid actively stimulates hair growth and aid in moisture retention. Although it does not penetrate the actual hair shaft, apricot oil prevents moisture from evaporating from your strands. This is incredibly important for those of us who suffer from high porosity hair (such as myself) and loses moisture easily.

Apricot oil is very light, which is perfect if your hair has the tendency to feel greasy with other carrier oils. Its light nature allows it to be used as a sealant, leave-in, pre-poo, post-poo, hot oil treatment, and as a treatment for dry scalp.

Apricot oil seals moisture into the hair shaft by shaping the scales of the cuticle and holding them together. This helps protect the hair from harsh elements and damage, and smooth cuticles encourage hair sheen. Vitamin A helps heal a host of skin conditions such as dandruff, psoriasis and eczema. In addition to this, Vitamin E prevents free radicals and UV damage in order to reduce the risk of damage from pollution and harmful UVA rays.

How to Use Apricot Oil
This amazing oil is fairly versatile in its use in comparison to some heavier carrier oils. It can be used to grease the scalp, as pre-poo, hot oil treatment, as a leave-in, split end “mender,” and as an oil treatment before chemical hair treatments. Add apricot oil to your favorite conditioner, shampoo, leave-ins and creams.

Since it’s a carrier oil, it can be paired with essential oils such as lavender, peppermint and rosemary as a custom oil mixture and can be whipped with your favorite butters in order to aid in their sealant properties.

What are some of your favorite ways to incorporate apricot oil into your regimen?

from Curly Nikki | Natural Hair Care

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