Sunday, April 22, 2018

Weekend Link Love — Edition 500 (With a Grok Giveaway)

weekend_linklove in-lineToday marks our 500th Weekend Link Love.

It’s a big day. This is our 500th edition of Weekend Link Love. 500 Sundays. And it’s actually a bit more than that—because before WLL became the official name and slot, we did other links posts. There was “Friday Link Love,” and “5 Links You’ll Love!” (talk about setting the bar a little too low), and “Hit the Links!” My personal favorite was “Los Linky Links.” I still regret not sticking with that one. The alliteration is just killer.

Things have changed so much. Take a look at the very first WLL from all the way back to June 7, 2008. Check out that crisp, clean URL. See how the content has grown, the interest has expanded, and the quality has improved.

Many people write to me saying that WLL is a favorite part of their week, something they look forward to every Sunday. A vocal minority even claim it’s their favorite post on MDA itself, better than the feature articles. I love writing them. I love learning new things, learning that what I thought last week might need rethinking. The world is such an interesting place right now, and the Internet is a powerful tool for exploring it.

Here’s to 500 more…. And thanks for taking the ride with me.

Research of the Week

Muscle mass predicts longevity, explains the entire association between higher BMIs and lower mortality.

Immediaely after watching a PETA documentary, women report eating less meat. Men do not.

Performance hack: get an audience.

After controlling for confounding variables, eating fresh produce like carrots, apples, berries, leafy greens, bananas, cucumbers, and kiwis was associated with less depression and more life satisfaction. Processed produce did not have the same link.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

Episode 237: Rob Mack: Host Elle Russ chats with the Ivy-educated, positive pschology-dispensing, executive-coaching Rob Mack about finding happiness from the inside out.

Interesting Blog Posts

NY Times readers share their antidepressant withdrawal stories.

Are the benefits of alcohol due in part to ethanol’s anti-bacterial effects?

Media, Schmedia

The French have banned food manufacturers from calling vegan-friendly fake meat products meat.

Scientists may have just cured beta-thallesemia using gene therapy.

Everything Else

This is a great premise for a kid’s book.

Good news (for now).

Early humans may have been literal brain surgeons.

You just know some Silicon Valley tech billionaire is making Old Fashioneds with superionic ice cubes.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Connection I found troubling: Statins and ALS.

Study I found fascinating: In the Bajau of Southeast Asia, “sea nomads” who’ve been breath-holding on deep dives for thousands of years, natural selection has granted them bigger spleens to use as oxygen reservoirs.

I’m not surprised: Wherever ancient humans went, large mammals went extinct.

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Apr 15– Apr 21)

Comment of the Week

Best cure for depression is apples. Daily.

– I don’t know about “cure,” but those daily apples certainly don’t hurt, Investigator.

Now For the Giveaway…

Tell me your favorite link love story—the article (or quote) that still makes you laugh or the one that changed your mind on a health or cultural issue. Maybe it’s from a long time ago or maybe it’s from this week. I’d just love to hear what you’ve gotten out of WLL over the years, what you’ve enjoyed, and what you’d like to see more of.

I’ll choose one random comment out of today’s bunch to receive a personal “Grok Bundle.” Comment here by midnight (PDT) Monday, 4/23/18, to be eligible.

  • Primal Kitchen® Gift Kit (Engraved Cutting Board, Chef’s Knife, Primal Kitchen Mayo, Balsamic Dressing & Marinade, Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
  • “I’m an Offal Chef!” Kitchen Apron
  • Primal Kitchen Shirt or Hoodie (winner’s choice)
  • $50 Gift Certificate to

Thanks for stopping in today, everybody. Good to have you with us, and enjoy your Sunday.

The post Weekend Link Love — Edition 500 (With a Grok Giveaway) appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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