Monday, April 23, 2018

Tattoo Artist & Entrepreneur Lauren is Naturally Glam!

 Lauren Findley
By Erickka Sy Savané

Jamaican living in South Florida, Lauren Findley has been natural for four years after doing the big chop in 2014. To say that she's been making the most of that natural glow would be an understatement. See why she's our naturally glam pick!


What do you use on your hair?
I usually make my own products, I am the CEO of Infinite Glowth LLC, where I offer 100% natural hair and skin products including a whipped Shea Butter and Bentonite Rhassoul Clay which are two staples for my hair.

What do you do and why do you love it?
As I mentioned before, I am a small business owner (Infinite Glowth LLC) and I am also a licensed tattoo artist. I love what I do because I am able to share my Glowth with everyone and also my art. My definition for Glowth is a movement; growing and glowing. I have always been passionate about tattoos. Working at a tattoo shop is great because it is right by the beach, my favorite place. I also love it because I have my own little space to paint and create amazing art. You can find my art at @inkedbysnow, and my natural products at @infiniteglowth on instagram.

Lauren hiking in the Hollywood Hills
What do you do for fun? 
I like to paint, workout, dance, or go to the beach for fun. I definitely enjoy traveling and exploring different museums/art galleries as well.

How do you stay healthy? 
I stay healthy by drinking lots of water, working out, and also trying my best not to eat out often. Cooking my own food makes me feel better about myself because I am more aware of what I am putting into my body.

Has having natural hair contributed to your self-esteem in any way?
Having natural hair taught me patience and really boosted my self esteem. When I was transitioning, I used to straighten my hair because I didn’t like how poofy it was. I then realized the heat was just damaging my hair more, so I did the big chop. Having short hair made me accept myself and find the beauty within me. I didnt let my hair define who I am.

Did you have any positive hair models growing up?
Growing up, I didnt really have any positive hair role models because I was always told by family members that I “need a perm” and my hair looks messy when it was just naturally poofy. My hair was permed when I was 2 years old so I never knew how beautiful my natural hair was, sadly.

Cousin Cindi via IG
Do you have a hair crush?
My hair crush is my cousin! She definitely inspired me to go natural. I remember when she did the big chop and I thought that I would never do that because my hair was already so long. Watching her hair flourish really motivated me to join the natural movement.

Do you let people touch your hair? 
Sometimes I let people touch my hair, just to show them that thick hair doesnt have to feel rough and dry. I love how some people call my afro a marshmallow, cloud, pillow, etc. If my hair is styled though, that is a completely different story. #PleaseDontTouchMyHair

Have you had any negative natural hair experiences?
All of my negative hair experiences involved bleach. I recently promised myself that I will never let bleach touch my hair again. I cut off inches of my hair several times because of bleach damage. Its not worth it to me. I also had an allergic reaction to a hair dye and badly irritated my scalp 2 years ago. It's just not my cup of tea. I'd rather try natural ways to color my hair.

What natural hair advice do you give others?
The best hair advice that I have to others is to love your own hair and don't try to compare yourself to others when it comes to length, texture, or anything. Don't try to use chemicals and heat to alter the natural state of your hair, its beautiful the way it is.

Celebrating Miami Carnival
How do you celebrate your heritage?
I celebrate my heritage mainly by remaining a family person. I enjoy the food, music, and try my best to release positive frequencies to bring everyone around me together.

What's your skin care routine?
My skincare routine consists of all natural homemade products, including some Infinite Glowth Products. I love exfoliating with sugar scrubs and use African Black Soap for cleansing.

Lauren's Infinite Glowth Products 
How can we keep up with you?
My business instagram pages are @infiniteglowth and @inkedbysnow
You can also follow my personal Instagram @snowblvck_


If you'd like to be featured, send your photo stating why you are naturally glam to!
Erickka Sy Savané is managing editor of, a wife, mom, and freelance writer based in Jersey, City, NJ. Her work has appeared in,,, and more. When she’s not writing...wait, she’s always writing! Follow her on Twitter & Instagram 

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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