Friday, April 20, 2018

The Common Sense Lesson That Everyone Can Learn From Kloe & Tristan Thompson

Tristan Thompson and Khloe Kardashian
 By Brenda Alexander

By now, you’ve already heard that Khloe Kardashian’s basketball player boyfriend, Tristan Thompson, was caught on video tonguing other women down in clubs throughout the country while his 9-month-pregnant girlfriend was home prepping to give birth to their first child. To escalate matters, Kardashian went into labor a few weeks early, just two days post the news breaking, allegedly due to the stress she was under from being heartbroken and publically humiliated by Thompson’s infidelities. Thankfully, their daughter, True Thompson, was born healthy and all are seemingly doing well. What’s next for Kardashian and Thompson’s relationship has yet to be seen, but the larger unfortunate question has been, “Is this karma for Khloe considering how she and Tristan’s relationship came to be?”

For those unfamiliar with the suggested “karma” mentioned, let’s do a brief recap:
 Khloe and Tristan meet on a blind date in late summer 2016.
Tristan was thought to be in a long-term relationship with Instagram influencer/blogger Jordy Craig, who was around 5-6 months pregnant, but according to reports, Tristan jumped ship to the Kardashian yacht.
Jordan Craig and Tristan Thompson
Khloe and Tristan make things official in September 2016.
Jordan Craig gives birth in December 2016 to a son.

In the meantime, Khloe and Tristan are frolicking around on vacations, Kardashian declaring her undying love for Thompson, holidays and birthdays spent together etc.
Just one year after Thompson becomes a first-time father, Khloe announces she’s pregnant with their first child on IG in December 2017.
April 11, 2018, reports surface that Tristan is cheating on Khloe, with video, photo and hotel receipts.
April 12, 2018 Khloe goes into labor and gives birth.
So why would anyone even fathom a 9-month-pregnant woman being cheated on as “karma?” Your answer lies within bullet point #2. Spectators will never forget that Tristan allegedly left his pregnant girlfriend to join the Kardashian team. Whether that is true, only Jordan and Tristan really know.

This is not a bash the Kardashian Klan moment for me. No woman deserves to be under any stress while pregnant. Instead, it’s a reflection period that I’d like for all of my ladies out there to take in. When it comes to relationships, how things start off is an indicator of how things will end.

Many have gotten into a situation with someone where things on the other person’s end weren’t ideal: they had just gotten out of a relationship, were still “friends” with an ex or were never clear on what their status was. I spoke to a handful of friends to see if they’ve ever been in a situation similar and the answer for all was a loud YES!

Tristan Thompson kissing a woman on video
One friend dated a guy who had recently just broken up with his long-term girlfriend. After two months of dating, he picked a fight with my friend and communication ceased. She found out weeks later on social media that he and his ex were back together. Of course, she suspected he picked a fight so that he could avoid telling my friend he’d rather break things off. Instead, she spent weeks calling and texting him, trying to figure things out before Facebook told her what was up. Fast forward to now, he and the long term girlfriend are married with a child. “I felt salty when I found out they had gotten back together but I never confronted him,” she explains. “I’m glad I took the high road. I’ll NEVER date anyone under those circumstances again. The new gf/bf almost always gets hurt while someone else is sorting through their hurt.”

Another friend had a different outcome. She dated someone that had a “friend.” Months later, that “friend” called her phone to profess herself as his girl. My friend confronted him, and he insisted he told her that was his actual girlfriend. It was too late. My friend was already invested and had feelings for him. Their “situationship” lasted four long years, with hopes that he would choose her. Today, she’s married to someone else and is actually friends with the “girlfriend” of the guy she was in a “situationship” with. Crazy huh?

I was in a similar situation also. I dated a guy who had an “on-again-off-again” girlfriend. He continued speaking with both of us and eventually broke things off with her. Soon after, he broke things off with me to be with her (while she coached him on what to say to me in the background during our phone call). They ended up staying together for years. I was devastated, simply because I felt stupid getting into that situation.

These things almost always turn out disastrous. A relationship with a rocky start will always include one main ingredient: mess. As women, we need to be our own advocates, and think things through despite what our heart leads us to do. As Jeanie Mai would say, yes, it’s important to follow your heart, but take your brain with you. If something doesn’t seem right, more than likely, it’s not.

Have you ever been in a 'situationship' that started rocky and didn't end well?
Brenda is a Philadelphia native with a love for Marketing, Creative writing, wine and Jesus. Her work has been featured on Mayvenn’s Real Beautiful blog and she is the co-author of the book Christmas 364: Be Merry and Bright Beyond Christmas Night (available for purchase on amazon). Follow her on IG @trulybrenda_ and

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