Monday, April 2, 2018

There is a Voice That Doesn't Use Words. Listen. #BeHerNow

As you read these words, try to hear your heart beating... can you hear it? Listen closely...

Fun fact- you can’t both listen and think. It’s always one or the other. The inner silence that immediately and effortlessly replaced your thoughts when you turned within to listen, is the ‘voice that doesn’t use words.’ That silence is God, manifest. IT’s the Kingdom, and you’ve found IT. Stay there, and the ‘added things’ will find you.

#StayListening #BeStill #BeHerNow

p.s. Whether or not you heard your heart beating, doesn’t matter. The high quality, super alert listening is what matters. Listening for any faint sound in your experience, indirectly gathers your attention on the silence within— which is the Source of unconditional love, abundance and true peace. Your heartbeat is just an easy one because it’s always present. Just as God is. Just as you are.

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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