Friday, April 6, 2018

Gaining the Clarity of Body and Mind Helps Gain the Clarity of Soul — And a Giveaway

It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!

To say our lives have been impacted by the Primal Blueprint and Mark Sisson would be a ridiculous understatement. The fact of the matter is, our lives are a direct creation from the influence that Primal Blueprint has had on our lives. We are Adam and Vanessa Lambert, creators of Bee The Wellness, an innovative personal coaching company based out of Los Angeles. This is our story.

We have all read the stories of success with weight loss and improvements to health and longevity here on Mark’s Daily Apple. What we don’t often get to hear is how the magic of this community and way of living can make a profound impact on the rest of your life. That is what the The Primal Blueprint has done for us, and we know it can do it for you too.

We were already paleo when we found Mark’s Daily Apple years ago. We had been living in the same small town and being coached by Robb Wolf and had already adopted the ancestral diet when we were first introduced to Mark Sisson. What we didn’t know was how connecting to the Primal Blueprint community would shift how we would fundamentally live our lives and who we would become in the world. This is the part about this lifestyle that is hard to describe and even more difficult to point to. Alas, we will give it a go.

Adopting the Primal eating principles creates space in your life. What we mean by that is now that you are not subject to dealing with how the standard American diet leaves you feeling (tired, bloated, and hungry five minutes later) you have space to create your life in the way you want to experience it, not in the way it happens to you by default.

Now we know it may seem like a stretch, but gaining the clarity of body and mind, helps you to gain the clarity of soul. Suddenly you start to take notice of the other things in your life that are not in alignment with your healthiest self. Perhaps it’s other lifestyle habits, relationships, or your work environment. Whatever it is, you start to notice a distinct disconnect between how you have been living your life and how you want to live your life. By gaining this foundation of health you suddenly find it propelling you towards other ways of thinking, acting, and creating your reality more mindfully and with greater intention. Connecting to other Primal subscribers within the community only deepens your commitment to this new way of being.

This is what happened for us. Eating an ancestral diet, following the Primal principles, connecting with like minded people in this community was a catapult for discovering what was important to us. From there we discovered who we wanted to be in the world and how we could make an impact in the community in our unique way. This led us to creating our own wellness company where we now get to coach people from all walks of life and in all areas of the world. We also lead Primal based adventures in places like Costa Rica, Peru, Africa and this summer, the Redwood Forest of Northern California. We host a paleo based podcast where we share and communicate with people who can help influence the world in a more positive way.

Recently we were nominated for four “Best Of Paleo” awards, which helped us to realize we were in fact making a difference in people’s lives. We are living our dream life and it all started by embracing the Primal way of living and being in the world. So for those of you who are just beginning your journey or for those of you who are well on your way, let this be a reminder of the limitless potential that comes from adopting this way of being in the world. Embrace the journey and be open to what it can create for you in your life, because when it comes to Primal living, the sky is the limit.

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For more information on Adam and Vanessa Lambert, visit and be sure to check out their paleo retreat with a festival vibe “Bee – Fest” happening in July of 2018. It’s an event you won’t want to miss! You can also check out their Bee The Wellness podcast, which I named one of my top picks for 2018.

The Giveaway

We’re teaming up with Adam and Vanessa to offer a Primal-worthy giveaway on Instagram, where you can win $100 Gift Card to + access to an ENTIRE YEAR of Adam & Vanessa’s UnveilYourWellness & Meditation programs—organized around the four seasons and split into twelve 21-day challenges. (Total Value: $2000+) For more info and to enter, head over to Primal Kitchen® Instagram. Happy Friday, everyone!

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The post Gaining the Clarity of Body and Mind Helps Gain the Clarity of Soul — And a Giveaway appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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