Friday, April 27, 2018

Travel Blogger Sally G is Naturally Glam!

Sally G
By Mwabi Kaira

Travel blogger Sally G is always on the go seeing the world. This Kenyan-born world traveler calls Atlanta home, but friends know her as the one always catching flights. Where in the world is Sally G is a question we are always asking. I caught up with Sally fresh off her epic Eastern European adventure and before she heads off to Bali and the Maldives to talk all things travel and what she does to keep it all together!


Sally G in Jamaica 
When did the travel bug hit you?
I got it from my Dad. When I was little he loved to travel around Kenya on long road trips and it was exciting to me. I loved seeing new places. My love and curiosity for travel grew as I got older from reading books and watching movies and TV. I’d fall in love with places all over the world and tell myself that I’d travel there.

How many stamps do you have in your passport?
Last time I counted I had 30.

Sally G in Istanbul, Turkey
You recently decided to travel full time and left your job and home to pursue it, what led you to make this huge decision?
I’ve been travelling for years for fun and last year I decided that it was my passion. Fear and my comfort zone were holding me back and I decided to just go for it. I decided that I’d rather have experiences than things and although it was hard at first, I gave up my things to have amazing experiences. It has been the best decision and I’m proud of myself for doing it.

What has been your most memorable trip so far? 
Croatia blew my mind. I went on a whim with not much expectation and all my expectations were exceeded. I planned on staying for a few weeks and ended up staying for 3 months. There was so much to see and the people were so wonderful. I’ll definitely be going back.

Sally G in Croatia
How do you keep up with your hair on your trips? Especially in Croatia since you were there for a while?
Protective styles are a must. My go-to is braids and cornrows. I found early on that wearing my hair this way is a conversation piece and a great way to meet new people. I want to see and experience the places I travel to and don’t want to worry about getting my hair together. My must haves are Trader Joe tea tree tingle shampoo and conditioner, Mama Imara oil for my edges and scalp, olive oil sheen spray, and Clairol semi permanent rinse.

Where is your dream destination?
New Zealand and East India. Some people travel for food, I travel for nature, it makes me feel closer to God. God’s creation is beautiful and I want to see it all. The mountains of New Zealand are beautiful and I want to see them.

Sally G's Free ebook
What is your advice for people who think travel is impossible?
With planning, all things are possible especially travel. So many people have asked me this question over the years and I have put together a free ebook with all my tips.

Let's talk about dating on your travels?
I wasn’t a fan of online dating and dating Apps until I met a friend in my travels who told me she met her boyfriend that way. I use Tinder and I’m upfront on the App and say I’m traveling. I either get a great date and make a connection or I get an amazing travel guide. People love showing off their cities.
Sally G with friends is Japan
How do you practice self care?
Sharing is exhausting. Since I am a blogger, sharing and social media are a part of it. Unplugging is my self care. I turn everything off and live life in real time and enjoy my friends. I do things for me, I read books and get in touch with loved ones.

What are the pros and cons of being a travel blogger?
The pros are seeing the world, meeting people and experiencing new things. The cons for traveling alone especially are repeating your story over and over to new people you meet, living out of a suitcase and missing home.

You can read about Sally’s travels on her blog and download her free ebook for great travel tips at or follow her on instagram!


What are some of your favorite places to travel? Where do you want to travel? Is there anything holding you back?
Mwabi Kaira is an African girl navigating her way in an American world. She is of Zambian and Malawian heritage and moved to the USA in 1993. Writing has been her passion since she could put a sentence together on the page. Mothering her sons is her pride and joy. She has been an avid runner since 2013 and has run 10 half marathons and a full marathon. Keep up with her at

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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