Sunday, March 25, 2018

Weekend Link Love — Edition 496

weekend_linklove in-lineResearch of the Week

Hunger blunts chronic pain.

Chronic inflammation impairs tastebud renewal.

Certain phytonutrients, vitamins, and NAC may increase the effectiveness of treatments for psychosis.

5:2 “fasting diets” (eat normally for five days, eat almost nothing for two) beat low-calorie diets.

Dogs on a diet high in protein and fat recover more quickly after joint injuries than dogs on a high-carb kibble.

Keeping your hands busy keeps you happy.

Teachers tend to see playfulness in boys as more disruptive and pathological.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts

Episode 229: Daniel Thomas Hind: Host Elle Russ chats with Daniel Thomas Hind, who uses mindset, psychology, and habit forming to help his clients and readers effect real change in their diets and lives.

Interesting Blog Posts

Hate beets but want the performance-enhancing effects? Try sunlight.

Retinol content of animal livers has been increasing, probably due to synthetic vitamin A in animal feed.

Media, Schmedia

Electrical current-induced happiness: too much of a good thing?

Why pancreatic cancer is on the rise.

Everything Else

Caffeine usually makes people faster, but not everyone.

The spiritual essence of depression.

Utah signs the first “free range kid” bill into law.

Things I’m Up to and Interested In

Podcast episode that touched me: The Drink, in which a couple of guys (one of whom has a fantastic first name) talk about avoiding bad habits and how some person named Mark Sisson saved his life.

Interview I dug: The one with Pedro Carrera Bastos about the lessons of traditional diets (and dieters).

I wonder if toxicity of cleaning products used would affect this: Cleaning at home or on the job associated with degrading lung function.

I’m not sure I agree: “It’s time to make human-chimp hybrids.”

A big reason why I moved to Miami: To walk more.

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Mar 18– Mar 24)

Comment of the Week

On that note, my husband is a professional entertainer and he had a gig several years ago where he was blowing up and twisting animal balloons for a six hour stretch 2 days running. He generally uses a pump, I don’t remember what it was about the gig that precluded that. Anyway, he still refers to it as the weekend he shit a brown dwarf star.

This just proves Carl Sagan right, Missy: We truly are made of star stuff.

The post Weekend Link Love — Edition 496 appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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