Friday, March 16, 2018

The Entrepreneurial Spirit: Making an Impact As a Primal Health Coach

In a newsletter last week, I shared the impetus behind the creation of the Primal Health Coach Institute, the world’s first ancestral health coaching school, and teased you with the promise of motivational success stories to come. Well, today’s the day to feel inspired as we see just how many lives a Primal Health Coach education can touch.

Most of these coaches were once Mark’s Daily Apple readers like you. They had their own personal health stories and successes and felt the “primal” call to help others. Just as our Paleolithic ancestors traversed the vast terrain, hunting and foraging across continents, Primal Health Coach Institute graduates are branching out into many areas…from restaurant owners to clinicians…from authors to food photographers.

Many Primal Health Coaches form their own businesses and go straight into the most traditional route of offering one-on-one in-person coaching; the “private practice” model. Others plan to jump in to the up-and-coming Functional Medicine realm, working with clinicians and other health care providers in a preventive health model. But, in fact, the entrepreneurial opportunities are endless, as shown by our graduates’ varied accomplishments.

Here are just a few standouts:


Barbara Vieira Gomes has opened a Primal health food store and cafe in Lima, Peru and gave us a shoutout on social media: “Thank you #marksisson and team of #primalblueprint! You inspired me, changed my life and health. So now in Lima Peru (South America) yesterday we opened the first #primalperu health store and cafeteria! It has been a roller coaster of followers and more! A dream to share your vision!”

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Chris Becker has pivoted his consulting business to cater to health coaches wanting to start and grow their businesses: “Knowing about nutrition, fitness and other healthy lifestyle factors is important, but unless they have the skills to effectively share that information with others, their contributions are going to be limited. I strive to equip coaches with strategies to build their brands, deliver value to their clients, and have a greater impact on the well being of their clients and society as a whole. I help coaches with their website design and optimization, email list building and automation, pricing and sales tips, as well as social media strategies to increase their reach.”

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Donna Crous transformed her food blog into a full-blown Paleo food photography business and wrote in to tell us: “Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect a career like this when I hit the button to start my Primal Health Coach studies. I love making healthy recipes and showing people how exciting primal eating can be and the many delicious options available…More importantly though, it is about meeting incredible like-minded passionate people within this amazing community.”


Miléna Sinka (aka the Barefoot Superhero) has written and published three books on primal topics and has another coming out this year, along with two successful online nutrition courses serving fellow Hungarians.

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Adan Rios has been hired as a health coach by a clinic (Virta) that specializes in type 2 diabetes reversal, and he credits his Primal Health Coach education: “Virta loved that I was a certified health coach and that I was steeped in low-carb eating to help lose weight and lower blood glucose and A1C levels. They also loved that I had experience working with clients. It’s been a great experience working at Virta and I am only one month in, but already one of my patients has discontinued his insulin after a few days of treatment!”


Dentist Al Danenberg has parlayed his Primal Health Coach education into a rewarding speaking career, securing spots at the Ancestral Health Symposium in Seattle, WA and this year’s Paleo f(x) in Austin TX.

The Primal Baker, Ana Gonzalez, reinvented her career, going from sugary pastry chef to paleo/primal fit chef extraordinaire. She checked in to tell us that her business is thriving and growing and that customers love it, so much so she branched out into a meal-planning service.

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Primal Health Coach Erin Power has coached over 200 clients to lasting health and built a lucrative health coaching business. She says, “The Primal Health Coach program is what took my business from a wobbly, uncertain start-up, to a growing and proven mini-empire that actually helps people enact massive lifestyle change in an accessible way.”

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Ste Lane of Peak Primal Health is opening a primal bed and breakfast: “My wife (Nicole) and I are taking over a B&B in north eastern PA. We are collaborating with local farmers to bring only the best possible food to the inn. Grass fed and finished meats, organic produce and sustainable eats. Our focus is to provide people the perfect countryside getaway for those who are looking to disconnect from the stresses of modern/city life and reconnect with themselves and nature in a beautiful country setting.”


Angus McDonald has blended his passion for primal and his past experience as a copywriter to help other coaches with their marketing: “As a copywriter, I’m trained to write sales and marketing material, and an area I’m really interested in is helping businesses connect with potential customers through effective lead generation strategies in their target market. I started noticing questions about marketing and how to attract clients in the PHC Facebook groups, so I thought I could offer my experience and knowledge to help other coaches move ahead with their businesses. The primal health knowledge that Mark has taught us, has the potential to massively change people’s lives and I think we have a duty to share it with as many people as possible.”

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And then, of course, there is Primal Health Coach’s very own Laura Rupsis, who transformed her CrossFit box into a veritable success model through the guidance of our ancestral health coaching program.

There are many more success stories where those came from. If you’re interested in learning more about how graduates are using their certifications to build profitable businesses and share the primal lifestyle across the globe, visit the Primal Health Coach Success Story page.

Some health coaching programs primarily prepare their graduates for success in a particular niche, like working in a clinical setting, for instance. But we’ve worked hard to set our graduates up for success across a wide range of coaching modalities, including…

  • one-on-one coaching
  • online coaching
  • group coaching
  • gym health coaching
  • corporate health coaching
  • clinical setting coaching, etc.

…as well as artistic paleo pursuits that involve cooking, photography, and writing, by supporting the entrepreneurial spirit exhibited by so many of our coaches. There’s more than one way to help people lead healthier lives when you are armed with the nutrition knowledge and coaching skills you garner from the Primal Health Coach program.

So if you, like the Primal Health Coaches mentioned above, are a Mark’s Daily Apple reader ready to take all that you’ve learned about living a primal life and turn that burgeoning knowledge into an actual money-making endeavor, then I encourage you to follow this link to learn more: How to Become a Health Coach.

Finally, stay tuned for more news on health coaching in the coming weeks where I will be sharing what’s next for Primal Health Coach and how you can get involved. There are lots of exciting updates coming to the program in the next few months, and I’m looking forward to giving you the first glimpse.

The post The Entrepreneurial Spirit: Making an Impact As a Primal Health Coach appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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