Friday, March 30, 2018

Model, Marketer Myori is Naturally Glam!

Myori Granger 
A few years ago, Myori Granger came to the City That Never Sleeps to complete her Master's degree in Marketing. Natural for 10 years, this beauty with brains to match, is boldly being herself and blazing her own path in the modeling industry! Peep why she's this week's Naturally Glam pick!

Via IG 
What products do you use on your hair?
I love homemade products and like to co-wash my hair. I rarely ever shampoo. Some of my kitchen cabinet favorites are coconut oil, Jamaican Black castor oil and olive oil so my hair stays hydrated…...and when I get lazy on the DIY front, I'll use some Got 2 B.

What do you do and why do you love it?
As someone working in a formal 9-5 and pursuing my modeling as a side hustle, I love being able to bring fashion to life and have been featured in Vogue, Teen Vogue, W magazine and Refinery29.

What do you do for fun?
I love to EAT. Trying new restaurants, traveling and taking impromptu on the fly trips if schedule permits.

Via IG
How do you stay healthy?
Wellllllll, I love me some junk food, I am a snacker. I try to swap out the junk for healthier snacks like fruits, nuts and granola and the occasional detox.

How has having natural hair contributed to your life/self esteem?
When I was a kid in middle school, I ALWAYS wanted my hair relaxed. My mom finally gave in and then my hair started to fall out. I decided I’d rather wear wigs if need be without damaging my natural hair!

What has been the best part of your natural hair journey?

Being true to myself. Rebelling against what society thinks I should look like and slaying every moment of it is honestly the best part.

Do you have a hair crush?
OOOh yes! My hair crush was the famous youtube blogger Domineque Banks A.K.A “Long hair don't care” Sadly she passed away from lupus… such a sad time for me. I really admired her journey and spirit, you would never be able to tell she was fighting a sickness.

Did you have a hair role model growing up?
Domineque Banks

Do you let people touch your hair?
Absolutely not!

Have you had negative natural hair experiences?
Of course! It’s part of the experience of being natural. Are there times I selectively wear my hair differently depending on an interview ? Yes, Does it suck? Yes. It’s life, everyone is not going to accept my hair and I understand that. I understand that my hair BRAGGADOCIOUSLY reveals confidence and people are intimidated by that.

Follow Myori on Instagram!
What advice do you have for other women?
Always stay true to the roots of who you are. Your hair does not define you, it compliments you. If you want to cut, dye, fro it or weave it go ahead! It’s your body and no one can tell you otherwise.
To submit to be featured in Naturally Glam email:
And answer these questions
1) Where are you from and how long have you been natural?
2) What products do you use on your hair?
3) What do you do and why do you love it?
4) What's your skin care routine?
5) How do you stay fit?
6) How has having natural hair contributed to your life?
7) What's the best part about being natural?
8) Do you have a hair crush?
9) Did you have any hair role models growing up?
10) What do you do for fun?

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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