Friday, March 23, 2018

Serial Networker Claire Ateku is Slaaying the Naturally Glam Game!

Claire Ateku
Naturally Glam is back again with Claire Ateku! Serial Networker, model, and youtube personality, Claire is from Kenya, but currently lives in Los Angeles. Natural for close to 10 years, find out how this queen stays serving looks and glowing skin from here all the way back to the Continent!


What products do you use on your hair?
I'm always changing my regimen. I've been traveling & just moved to the west coast (dry air) from the east coast (super humid) so I'm currently figuring out what my hair needs to thrive in this new environment. One of my favorites is "Eden Body Works Leave-In Conditioner" though.

What do you do and why do you love it?
I work in communications and I love it because I am a master communicator. I'm always learning and usually working with fun people.

What do you do for fun?
Network, read, & write.

How do you stay healthy?
Working out 3x a week, hanging out with positive people, cooking more and eating out less.

How has having natural hair contributed to your life? Your self-esteem?
It's definitely helped me love myself more. I used to get perms even when it burned, sit through it a little bit longer so the chemical would really work. Now, I'm so happy with my hair in its natural state, and its helped me encourage others to see the beauty in their natural textures.

What's been the best part of your natural hair journey?
The best part has been the successful twist outs and also the connections I've made with other naturalistas.

Did you have any positive hair role models growing up?
Erykah Badu.

Do you have a hair crush?

Too many to name, but currently @NickyBNatural, @NaturallyTemi & @KaiceAlea

 Do you let people touch your hair?
I don't mind, as long as they ask first.

Have you had any negative experiences with natural hair?
Walking into a salon and the hair stylist being shady/outwardly upset that my hair is so thick and kinkier than she expected and that I "should have told her that over the phone." Also, nightmare trims by stylists that don't typically work with natural hair but claim to know what they're doing.

What's the best hair advice you give to other women?

Learn what YOUR hair wants/needs and BE PATIENT!

Keep up with Claire:
@therealateku on instagram/twitter & subscribe to my youtube channel

To submit be featured in Naturally Glam email:
And answer these questions
1) Where are you from and how long have you been natural?
2) Do you have any fav black-owned products that you use?
3) What do you do and why do you love it?
4) If you have a business, are in school, have a blog, products you sell, advice to give, or family that you are proud of and want to share, please do.
5) Has having natural hair contributed to you meeting your life goals? If so, how?
6) What's been the best part of your natural hair journey or your hair journey in general?

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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