Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Midweek Quick Cooking: Chipotle Lime Avocado Bacon Dip

inline_Bacon-Blog-001_1000xLooking for some inspiration to eat more vegetables? Or maybe you just need a healthy, filling go-to snack or lunch side? This dip is it. With the kick of Primal Kitchen® Chipotle Lime Mayo, crudite never had it this good. Add in avocado and antioxidant-rich cilantro, and you soon have a quick and easy dish you won’t be able to live without. Filled with healthy fats, vitamins, and savory flavor, this dip is without question taking your standard guacamole to a new level.



Halve each avocado, remove the pit, and slice the flesh into thin strips.

Place the avocado pieces in a mixing bowl, and use a fork to gently mash them.

Add in a cup of Chipotle Lime Mayo, and mix or mash the mayo into the avocado until you’ve achieved a uniform dip with guacamole-like texture.

Dice the cilantro.

Chop the bacon strips into bite-sized.

Place the bacon dip into a serving bowl, and top with bacon and cilantro pieces.

Serve with crisp veggies or other Primal snack. Enjoy!

Recipe From The Primal Kitchen® Blog

The post Midweek Quick Cooking: Chipotle Lime Avocado Bacon Dip appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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