Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Glam Body Coffee Scrubs
Hey Ladies,

It's Wednesday Win Day! We asked you to comment on all articles this past week for a chance to win a Coconut Coffee and Mandarin Coffee scrub from Glam Body, and you showed up! Here are this week's 5 winners! Also, be sure to keep commenting on articles because soon we will be announcing some spontaneous pop-up winners!


Glam Body Coffee Scrubs
Glam Body is a vegan and organic coffee scrub that fights eczema, stretch marks and the appearance of cellulite originated in the Ivory Coast, West Africa

Niki Pickens
Loyal Royal 
Please email with your full name and address using Glam Body Winner in the subject line. Enjoy your scrubs and stay tuned for our next giveaway!

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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