Monday, March 26, 2018

Remembering Your True Self When You Forget Who You Are

Nikki Walton
That general uneasiness that’s always lingering in the background? It’s just a symptom of your forgetfulness. When you forget who you really are, you feel scared, you worry, you stay on edge, hella moody, ready to snap. You don’t even know why! You also stay trying to manipulate & rearrange the outside circumstances in hopes that you’ll feel better. But there’s only one real ‘fix.’ No matter the presenting problem, be it physical, mental or financial, there’s only one remedy- you must remember your true self BEYOND just the natural hair wearing, no shit taking, education having woman in the mirror.


It sounds like an impossible task because she is all you know. But before you were aware of being this present version of you, you were aware of being ‘college student you,’ and ‘adolescent you,’ and ‘snaggle tooth kiddo you’... so many different ‘yous.’ Which is the real one?

Before you were aware of being ‘someone’ you were just aware of being. #IAmThatIAm And this unconditioned, faceless, formless awareness is present now, aware of you reading these words, aware of your apparent confusion and simultaneous remembrance of what I’m sharing, and it’s more you than any you that you’ve ever been aware of being! Hint- awareness reflects as joyful peace in the body

So your task is to wake up from being just the natural hair wearing, no shit taking, education having woman in the mirror that you currently take yourself to be. You must shift from being her to being the space that she happens in. You do this by placing your attention on the loving silence, the peaceful stillness, the joyful space that you can detect (within and without) in this moment, instead of your thoughts. You can’t be aware of both!  

 When thoughts come, return to the space. When tension comes, return to the space. You’ll keep doing this, over and over, catching yourself, until it becomes stable. And the more you pay attention to this joyful space, paradoxically, the natural hair wearing, no shit taking, education having woman in the mirror becomes more relaxed, confident, peaceful, secure, & loving. #BeHerNow

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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