Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Discomfort is Your Miracle in Disguise

The discomfort is the shift. It’s your miracle in disguise.


I listened to a great talk by @EckhartTolle the other day. He said that the closer a caterpillar gets to the end of its lifespan, the more difficult things get for it. Its very existence becomes dysfunctional— the things that used to work, like crawling, suddenly don’t work anymore. And if the caterpillar was like us, it would be stressed out and desperately trying to hold it together— reading books on how to become better at crawling or techniques on crawling faster and faster. But instead, the caterpillar LETS GO and leaps to a new dimension entirely. It leaves crawling behind, transcends all past limitations and emerges as a new being — one that it always had the potential to be. #BeHerNow 🦋

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki http://ift.tt/2DpbHI6

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