Friday, February 16, 2018

The Primal Blueprint Was Just a Natural Fit For Me

It’s Friday, everyone! And that means another Primal Blueprint Real Life Story from a Mark’s Daily Apple reader. If you have your own success story and would like to share it with me and the Mark’s Daily Apple community please contact me here. I’ll continue to publish these each Friday as long as they keep coming in. Thank you for reading!

I started to notice all the weight I was gaining towards the end of my sophomore year and beginning of my junior year of college. I mainly just wanted to lose the weight I had gained because I was embarrassed. But I also didn’t realize how high my blood pressure was getting for someone my age. Little did I know that this would start me down an amazing path.

I started dieting like everyone else seems to be teaching and preaching. I counted calories, ate and drank tons of “diet” approved stuff. Like diet sodas, fat free sweets and the like. I did see weight come off but I felt horrible. I was in the gym everyday, I had no energy and was grumpy. This lead to the typical yo-yo dieting. I thought to myself I’m way too young to be feeling this miserable. I knew there had to be a better way.

Thus, I looked and researched everything in the realm of dieting & nutrition. It eventually lead me to Paleo. I didn’t think I needed to eat this way in order to be healthy. I thought I could just count calories and still be a flexible dieter. But I decided to give it a try and the first couple of days were rough. But that was to be expected. Once I got over the first couple of days, I was amazed how amazing I felt. So I dove deeper into paleo.

I found Mark & Primal Blueprint when he was on a paleo podcast. I originally was interested in him because of his dressings and mayo. After finding them in a store & realizing how amazing they tasted, I decided to give the updated Primal Blueprint book a read. For a book that big I almost read it in two days. It was so good, and was just easy to read. A lot of paleo/primal books can be overwhelming. Mark did such a great job making it easy to understand and the primal blueprint was just a natural fit for me.

I incorporated the entire lifestyle. Not only did I finally lose all the weight. I felt amazing. I was way more productive in school, I was reading almost two books a week (outside of required reading for classes), I didn’t watch anymore tv, I started an online business, my relationships were better and I was just all around a more pleasant person. I wasn’t anxious anymore, my blood pressure was at a healthy level, I had tons of energy and also tons of motivation to the best I can be AND I still haven’t even graduated college! I’m getting ready to graduate in May with a double major in accounting & finance. I started trying to lose weight about a year and half ago and have been living a primal lifestyle for about 5 months or so now. I cannot thank Mark and everyone at Primal Blueprint enough!!

-Ryan Baumgart

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The post The Primal Blueprint Was Just a Natural Fit For Me appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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